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Strangers Again

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    Strangers Again

    I saw this video on youtube about all the stages of a relationship......I just wondered what YOU guys and gals thought about it, do you think it's the same for long distance relationships? If it's different discuss how, I'm quite curious.

    Also this video is not sposed to be negative or make you sad, I just found it informative. Take from it positively.

    I saw this a while ago. I think the stages are the same for LDR but perhaps each stage is drawn out longer due to the physical absence of the SO. I can't remember what he said exactly but I think he said something about its how you choose to react to the comfort phase will decide where the relationship goes. You can either stop trying and take each other for granted or continue to work together to make the relationship work.


      This was so sad, omg i was sad when they got to stage 4. There comfort stage didn't look happy at all, i dont want to get to a point like that. From the beginning stages, love the chase,lol when she calls his face as he throws the controller to the side..... till after when she calls and he lets it go to voice mail, so sad. but i think like snow girl said you choose how to be in that comfort stage. Can't ever take your love one for granted because nothings ever garunteed. I know i always want to be loved and shown that im loved, so i need to always do the same and show how much i love him. but ehh this video made me sad for them, i wanna stay in the honeymoon stage forever lol
      I love you Nathan <3
      5/25/09 <3


        I think in a way I have to thank the fact that my relationship is an LDR, because during my last visit we were comfortable and tolerating each other. But eventually, the fact that I had to leave again, really brought us back to reality and made us appreciate each other more again.

        But yeah, interesting video, I enjoyed watching it. Really makes you think about things and makes me want to be with my SO again.
        Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
        First met: June 13th 2006


          Very interesting take... I think every relationship has to go through their downs, though. I think, actually, that every relationship gets to a point where you're arguing all the time but if you get through it it gets much better.


            Thank you for sharing. That was a very interesting video and there's a lot that can be taken from it.


              I love WongFu.
              I watched this already when it first came out. This made me think we're on stage four=comfortable.


                We are in stage 6.....


                  I loved this video It was a good way to show certain indicators that each couple goes through at these stages, generally speaking. My SO and I are definitely a mix of Stage 3-4. We are very much comfortable with each other, but we take advantage of that comfort to enjoy our time with each other. Like they said, what you do at that stage can basically make or break the relationship. We mix our comfort with the honeymoon stage of being able to really goof off and enjoy each other!

                  However, we have had periods of Stage 5: Tolerance. We let our comfort get the best of us and he would basically do exactly what the guy did in the video. I would call and he wouldn't pick it up until he finished his game or whatever. It wasn't until we truly discussed the issue that we finally pulled out of this stage.

                  I believe couples can go back and forth between the stages, depending on the situation and the couple. Thank you for sharing this video

                  *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


                    I only saw the trailer before, and this is the first time I've actually seen the whole thing. Sorry for being a baby, but this made me cry! :'D It's so true and I can relate to it, not with my current SO though. It's very interesting and realistic. I love it!
                    "Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue,
                    a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them
                    which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky."
                    - Rainer Maria Rilke

                    "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
                    regardless of time, place, or circumstance.
                    The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
                    - an ancient Chinese belief


                      There's a lot to take away from this video, I think especially what she says at the end.

                      It's true though, all relationships end until we find one that doesn't. It's either worth fighting for, or not. The video just made me realize how much my relationship is worth fighting for.


                        I really liked this video. I definitely saw my last relationship in that video. I don't want to let my LDR have the same ending that my last relationship did. Thanks for sharing!


                          Oh man, i came on here for advice because my SO and I had had a talk similar to the one they had at the end of stage 4 and watched this, and now I'm determined not to let my fear/doubt be what defeats us.


                            Hmm, I'm not sure about my take on it. I like to think that not every relationship has to be like that. but at the same time I think logically and...they all are.

                            UNTIL you find the one where the stages dont end. Where even if you flit into tolerance or even downhill, you fight for each other and get back to the chase and the honeymoon stage.

                            Thanks for sharing, made me think a lot about my relationship at the moment.
                            Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

                            Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

                            And remember....Love really IS all around.


                              Hmm... I think in a sense me and my SO are still in stage 3 but we are also in stage 4?

                              My parents are in stage 5 going into stage 6

                              First Met Online: May 08
                              Became a Couple: 4.11.09
                              First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
                              Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
                              Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13

