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    when we haven't talked and then he will come on after days of not talking and we'll say hi and he just chats with me real quick and its like the days of absent doesnt bother him or didnt happen or just lol its like omg i been going crazy missing you do you not notice and care? and then also kk this is a little TMI but when we talk about certaint things like i said if we (enter naughty thing here) it would be to hard to be good and not go to far. And he's all no it wouldn't. And eh lol its like thanks alot, so i guess im not that much of a turn on if it wouldn't be hard for you to resist, lol makes me feel unattractive sometimes, which i know he doesn't mean to do but still....but lol i love him anyways.
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      My SO always has to check that the fridge is closed. She just stands there and looks at it. She even touches the door to make sure that it's really closed. I once opened the fridge while she looked at it because I had to get something out and she had to start looking at it all over again. For minutes. So annoying!!! It got better though. I'm not even sure if she still does it anymore. But I'm pretty sure that she does. Oh and she also never made sure to dry the bottle of mouthwash after using it. I always found little puddles of green liquid the next morning when lifting the bottle up. Argh!!! Oh and she can be reallyyyyy slowwwww.


        He honestly needs to have exactly 9 hours of sleep a night, or else he is completely and impossibly negative. Same with food. He's so bitchy when he's hungry, it's ridiculous. I kind of consider it a blessing though, because those are the only reasons he ever has bad moods, and it's easy to deal with. When I'm with him and he gets like that, I just need to feed him or give him a nap and he's good :P (God my SO sounds like a child LOL <3)

        Also, our definitions of what a ham sandwich is are completely different. To me, it's 2 slices of bread, butter, ham, maybe some cheese. His is bread, ketchup, mustard, and ham. Cheese or butter? Unheard of! Last time I was with him, he didn't have ANY butter in the house. I don't know how he manages with out butter :/

        Easily the cutest quirk he has, is that he acts like a cat. All the damn time. He miau's when he wants attention. He purrs when he's happy. Sometimes he'll do that cat head butting thing. And he'll arch is back when he wants me to scratch it. I adore it! haha :3

        Oh, and he talks to his homework... I'll never forget the time I heard him say "ooh, you're tricky" rather seductively to his physics textbook... :/

        "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
        -Miguel De Cervantes

        Read our story HERE


          Originally posted by mouse411 View Post
          My boyfriend makes this triangle face. I don't know how to explain it accurately, but he makes his mouth into this silly triangle shaped smile, raises his eyebrows and opens his eyes really wide. It's the weirdest thing, but I know he does it to make me laugh so I wouldn't change it for the world.
          Haha, mine too! That face is in about 50% of our pics together. I don't mind, I find it hilarious.

          We're both rather quirky, although I feel me more than him, he's a geek and I'm a dork so it figures. Sleep time for example is like a wrestling match, I keep stabbing him with my elbows, he fidgets all over me.

          Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


            Originally posted by DemonxOisin View Post
            Oh, and he talks to his homework... I'll never forget the time I heard him say "ooh, you're tricky" rather seductively to his physics textbook... :/
            lol, reminds me of myself, I talk to myself and innanimate objects and problems etc ALL the time. People who are used to me find it funny, but other people always say 'what did you say' and I always have to tell them I was just talking to myself
            Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
            First met: June 13th 2006


              Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
              What are some of your SOs quirks that might irritate you but you wouldn't change for the world?

              My SO is CONSTANTLY breaking stuff. Over the weekend he broke a mug, stepped on a pair of sunglasses, and broke a chair! Just today I was going to get my headphones to use while he skyped with his family and he says "You don't have any headphones." I said "Yes I do..." He says "No... I broke them" HAHAHAHAHAHA Goodness!!!
              actually,,im the clumsy the one who always doing SO is a very timid type,,very serious type..he is a perfectionist for things,,thats why he is callin me...CLUMSY girl....


                He slepps. A lot. Or maybe it's not actually that he sleeps a lot, but he prefers going to bed early and getting up early the next morning to do homework (or whatever), rather than finishing it the night before and sleep in.
                And when he goes to bed, it takes him about two seconds to fall asleep. Seriously. He doesn't read, he doesn't listen to music, nothing. He'll just lie down and immediately be fast asleep. A few times he fell asleep while I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. He has also fallen asleep at clubs or at a friend's party.

                And sometimes he's just so... little independent. He still lives with his parents, so maybe it's understandable but instead of figuring things out himself he always calls his parents and asks them. With everything from how to warm up a frozen meal to where is the black and white striped shirt to whatever. If I did that my mum would probably laugh and tell me to grow up.
                Last edited by Dziubka; May 19, 2011, 04:02 AM.

                Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                  Originally posted by Dziubka View Post
                  And when he goes to bed, it takes him about two seconds to fall asleep. Seriously. He doesn't read, he doesn't listen to music, nothing. He'll just lie down and immediately be fast asleep. A few times he fell asleep while I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. He has also fallen asleep at clubs or at a friend's party.
                  Loic does the same!! He says it's because of his training... he spends a lot of time at the gym normally haha. I wish he'd have more energy when we're going to sleep, I hate knowing he's asleep and that I'd feel bad keeping the light on to read or watch tv! But i just can't fall asleep without reading first.

                  Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                  Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                  Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                    Originally posted by kteire View Post
                    Loic does the same!! He says it's because of his training... he spends a lot of time at the gym normally haha. I wish he'd have more energy when we're going to sleep, I hate knowing he's asleep and that I'd feel bad keeping the light on to read or watch tv! But i just can't fall asleep without reading first.
                    Yeah, I was the same in the beginning and he'd even complain about the light (like what difference does it make? does it take you three seconds to fall asleep instead of two?!) but I got tired (no pun intended) about lying next to him in the dark and being bored, so I fought for my light. I don't feel bad about it anymore. I mean I'd prefer to stay awake and take to him but it's him that's asleep.

                    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                      It might not be a quirk, but he snores. We fall asleep on the mics all the time and his snoring is LOUD. I love it though, it actually helps me fall asleep.


                        My SO is trying to go to bed early. So he'll tell me what time he wants to go to bed, and then when I tell him it's his bed time when we're chatting he'll get all pouty and not want to hang up. Then we'll end up talking for at least another 15 minutes. Sometimes it gets on my nerves a bit because why tell me you want to go to bed early if you don't actually want to stick to it? But it's kinda cute, and I don't mind getting to talk to him longer so I wouldn't change it.

                        He also can get into a deep, in-depth discussion about almost anything, and when he gets in this mode he'll go on for a minimum of 30 minutes, whether I'm giving input or not. Usually I like this, but some days I'm exhausted and just want to have a light, fluffy conversation and he'll just keep talking about how incredible it is that mark zuckerberg (inventor of facebook) went from being a nobody to having a website so popular you would struggle to find someone who hadn't heard of it. Absolutely would not change that though.
                        Last edited by LostInLove; May 19, 2011, 04:11 PM. Reason: got my names mixed up :)

                        "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                        -- Anonymous


                          For one, My SO is really private and doesn't like to tell me whats wrong when I can clearly tell that something is bothering him. It gets on my nerves but I know sometimes that's his way of protecting me from having to stress. Another thing that bothers me is that he kind of writes off everything that goes wrong, like if something happens hes just like "oh well, it will be fine, everything's good". That annoys me but I guess in a way it also keeps me calm because if hes not worried about it, I figure I shouldn't be either. There's other things too but I cant think of them at the moment, but even though those things may bother me, its what makes him who he is and I love all of him.


                            For one, My SO is really private and doesn't like to tell me whats wrong when I can clearly tell that something is bothering him. It gets on my nerves but I know sometimes that's his way of protecting me from having to stress.
                            I'm sure that my girlfriend would say the exact same thing about me :P haha


                              Originally posted by P.Q. View Post
                              It might not be a quirk, but he snores. We fall asleep on the mics all the time and his snoring is LOUD. I love it though, it actually helps me fall asleep.
                              Same here! My SO snores, but that's how I know he's fallen asleep one minute after his head hits the pillow. I tell him he does it all the time because it's so cute (and I never miss an opportunity to tease him) and he firmly denies it every time. But how does he know if he does or not? He's asleep!

                              He also eats crunchy things in bed, like crackers, chips, or dry cereal, and he gets crumbs everywhere. The crumbs don't seem to bother him in the least, even in his own bed, but when I try to brush out all the crumbs before I get in with him, he calls me Howard Hughes. This is where he'd probably point out that I'm a neat freak and need to relax a bit. If it was anyone else, I wouldn't let them near the bed with snacks, but when he does it, it's okay.
                              "These are the days of miracle and wonder. This is the long-distance call."--Paul Simon
                              "I can't tell one from another. Did I find you, or you find me?
                              There was a time before we were born. If someone asks, this where I'll be. . .where I'll be."--Talking Heads


                                one thing she does, is when I say something like, "hey, whats a quirk of mine that you hate but at the same time love?" and her response is "lol i'll have to think about it"

                                than I never hear from her about it again :P annoys the crapolla out of me..

