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"you can't do that"

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    "you can't do that"

    so i had the most annoying experience last night

    as all of you know eric and i broke up, but then got back together.. and since we never acted like we broke up we are still using our original anniversary. so the other day we both posted statuses about it being our one year and my old roommate from college posted this exactly.. "sorry hun, breaking up and getting back to gether and claiming your anniversery back to 2010 isn't really an anniversey"

    that is so annoying! we can celebrate our anniversary whenever the hell we want to! she doesn't even know any of our story so it's annoying that she posted that. eric and i both posted stuff back saying it's our decision and blah blah blah

    anyyyways, anyone else been told "you can't do that" in YOUR relationship?!

    I hate people like that.. like it really matters to them which date you decide to use for your anniversary :\ anyway congrats on the one year mark


      I think you did the right thing. it's your relationship, not theirs.

      Brian asked me to marry him less than a week after we got together. over the phone. not many people know this (and I'd like to keep it that way until I'm actually planning a wedding) and I told my sister and a friend. that friend told me I was out of my mind, didn't know what I was doing and that I "can't" get engaged. I'm too young, blah blah. When I told her my parents were 17 and 18 when they got married (age Brian and I are now) she said they were nuts and told me that Brian and I would never last.

      almost 19 months later, here we are, still proving her wrong!


        its your one cares!...its your right to celebrate it whenever you want to...Congrats guys!,,happy anniversary!..Good luck..God Bless


          I always wonder what people do about that sort of thing when they break up and get back together, especially if it's constantly, but I can't say it's wrong if you keep the original date or don't reset your "we've been together x days/months/years" speech. If the breakups don't count, they don't count.

          Only thing I've ever gotten is that I "can't" date someone of a different race, because God says it's wrong. I'm Buddhist for one so the subject of God is null with me, plus there are bigger issues in the world than a white chick and a black guy dating. I'm actually amazed what people designate as dating rules or rules for marriage/engagements. I'm pretty sure half of it comes from old fashioned mindsets mixed with magazine articles.


            Good gracious that was rude! I've been in a few relationships were we broke up and got back together and we always just used our original anniversary date. I don't think it's that unusual especially if it was only for a short period of time and the two of you remained acting like a couple. People will put there nose in anything though.


              We did the same thing...we took a month and a half break before realizing how much we meant to when we got back together My So was asking do we use the original date or the new one. Since we together for the majority of it...I decided to keep the one we had...which is tomorrow . I dont think there's anything wrong with it...and who cares what they think :P
              " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
              Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

              Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


                I can't believe that some people really care about stuff like that. It's your relationship, not theirs!


                  I get a different type of "no you can't". There's a weird misconception that all transmen are just lesbians in denial XP. So when I mention that I'm both transgender and gay, it can really confuse some people. You know, because it's apparently impossible to distinguish between personal identity and who you're sexually attracted to XP.

                  Just as stupid: When Enrique came out of the closet to one of his brother as bisexual, he told him how it was impossible and that he was just following the fad (don't worry, we put him in his place). I know many people here are bisexual, so who would like to comment on this one? :P


                    Screw rules... do what you want!


                      Some people are weird!
                      Celebrate when you want to for whatever reason you want to.
                      For example, today I'm celebrating the fact the i have broken my own record for consecutive days breathing !!! 10,476 days thats GOTTA be something to celebrate right??
                      As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                        You can't let other people dictate your relationship like that, if I did, I wouldn't still be with my SO. So many people wonder how such a LDR works and is it possible and how do you cope and can you trust him etc etc. I just answer as best I can and keep on believing what I know to be true about us: that we love each other, that it can and is working etc.
                        Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
                        First met: June 13th 2006


                          XD i feel bad cause i said something similar to one of my friends... but i was sorta joking when i was telling them to restart the countdown; however it was a bit of a different situation. i'll try to remember not to annoy people this way again

                          :P and besides people telling me i can't love someone i've never met, or that he can't have feelings about me, blah blah, i only really get awkward accusations about titles. I mean, we're not exactly /going out/ or /dating/, he's not my /boyfriend/, i'm not his /girlfriend/ but i love him to death and back, he loves me, he's my slutmuffin, and i'm his frosty. XD i don't know what to call it since my LDR isn't exactly a /relationship/


                            Well, I've had the "you can't" phrase thrown at me due to my sexual orientation and my disability and I just don't care about that anymore, don't take people serious when it comes to that. Because, honestly, who knows best what I can and what I can't do? Me, that's what! I'm just glad I didn't yet have to hear that phrase in regard to my current relationship...


                              Originally posted by SDPersona View Post
                              Well, I've had the "you can't" phrase thrown at me due to my sexual orientation and my disability and I just don't care about that anymore, don't take people serious when it comes to that. Because, honestly, who knows best what I can and what I can't do? Me, that's what! I'm just glad I didn't yet have to hear that phrase in regard to my current relationship...
                              Perfect way to put it! That's right, only we know what we can and can't do, what we're capable of, and what we want. Everyone's entitled to their opinions but we're not all entitled to hear them.

