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Brimming with Anticipation

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    Brimming with Anticipation

    So last night my SO and I were on skype. He looks at me really intensely, like he's thinkings, parses his lips, and puts his finger to his lips. As this behaviors indicates he is having a thought I ask what he's thinking. He says, "I'm hatching a plan." I ask him what this plan might be He tells me that he will tel me today after he does 'a little poking around'. I begged him to tell me then but he insisted on waiting until today. I want him to wake up so he can tell me!!! (Of course I refuse to wake him up.) I am brimming with anticipation as to what the surprise could be. He seemed to think it would be something I will really like

    Your SO ever do anything like this? What was the surprise?


    Haha, that's so nice! Surprises are great. Unfortunately I can't keep surprises for my sunshine, haha... The moment I mention a thing, I know she'll keep on asking till I tell her. Besides I look at her and yeah... I'm making a blanket for when she comes and boom, yeah, haha, she knows already. But I have some surprises up my sleave, hehe. She's made lots of surprises for me too. I knew some.

    Biggest surprise for her that turned out not to be a surprise: 1000 lit candles in the garden. I lit them deep in the night, in the shape of a heart, her name and Eu Te Amo (I love you in portuguese). Actually, it was after I told her I loved her, but she was with another and I thought I didn't have a shot anymore so I told her I bought the candles anyways, so I might as will light them for her... Turns out she already loved me, haha. Shortly after we were together...

    Biggest surprise that she made for me: 1000 origami hearts (fricking small things that are hard to make!)... I could make a wish and she made one too... So cuuute... So sweet... (Guess our wishes, haha. It's not hard to guess...)

    Yeah, I know, we're crazy and all and not normal for doing things so much... but even so, I still don't feel I show her enough what she truly means to me. Not that love is related to how big the gifts are that you give... It's more the thought behind it... The love you want to share and that you feel inside...

    Hope the surprise is nice!!

    Have a nice day,

    Adia, you're on my mind and in my heart...


      So....what was the suprise?!


        He wants to take me on a trip over the summer. We have not decided where to yet


          ohhhhhh thats exciting! Woohoo!!


            That's awesome! Hope you guys pick a place that is truly magical for you!


              Surprises are awesome!! My boy has surprise me sometimes, one time he made breakfast for me and got half the house decorated with fresh flowers!!!

