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Everytime I'm in my lonely crying moments,,and feel so down,,missing him..I just keep on reminding myself of out funny moments together..and it makes me smile..
I remember when He was here with me in Pi...I dont know why but everytime we're done eating lunch,,after burping ,,he will FART first then me Next...hahaha...thats the usual thing..I don know why,,,hayyy..missing him a lot
you guys..can you share the funny embarrasing moments you had together?.....hahaha
After dating for a year I farted on his lap and by his reaction you would have thought I tried to shoot him lol.it was hilarious. Until his grandparents walks in and he tells them what happened...
After dating for a year I farted on his lap and by his reaction you would have thought I tried to shoot him lol.it was hilarious. Until his grandparents walks in and he tells them what happened...
A lot of mine and my SO's funniest moments are more appropriate for the adult thread, lol. But along the same lines of MusicalSoul22... I was curled up in bed next to him one morning, and his sister called to ask for directions in Dublin. I'm lying there next to him half dozing off, and let out this maaaassive fart. It was so embarrassing!! I could overhear his sister say "What was that?" and I went bright red! He said it was construction outside, and finished up his conversation with her, haha. He didn't care at all, he thought it was hilarious, and he still brings it up from time to time!!
Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free █♥█ Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
Closed the distance June 18, 2012!
A lot of mine and my SO's funniest moments are more appropriate for the adult thread, lol. But along the same lines of MusicalSoul22... I was curled up in bed next to him one morning, and his sister called to ask for directions in Dublin. I'm lying there next to him half dozing off, and let out this maaaassive fart. It was so embarrassing!! I could overhear his sister say "What was that?" and I went bright red! He said it was construction outside, and finished up his conversation with her, haha. He didn't care at all, he thought it was hilarious, and he still brings it up from time to time!!
Oh wow, so many things i could talk about! We arent the most... mature people XD
One time on skype, we were talking, sorta all soppy and cute, then out of no where he pulls the cutest most ******ed face XD It was a hicup/burp/surprised face, and i nearly died laughing :')
Also i remember one time, me and him were walking around shopping with my friend. Me and my friend both went to the lingerie department and he picked up a piece so me and my friend dared him to go up to someone and ask "Does this look good on me"... and he did it ! and to some old lady XD i couldnt help but just fall on the floor and laugh so hard XD
One thing that he still brings up, is one time we were in bed, not doing anything major just making out, we were about to do something (i'll save you the details) but all of a sudden my ipod made a noise and started lighting up, (i have a smurf game which is like farmville) And i blurted out "OH My potatoes are done, give me a second!" i pushed him off me and out the way whilst i got my ipod and sorted it out. We laughed so much about that :')
Theres just a few things >.<
Oh wow, so many things i could talk about! We arent the most... mature people XD
One time on skype, we were talking, sorta all soppy and cute, then out of no where he pulls the cutest most ******ed face XD It was a hicup/burp/surprised face, and i nearly died laughing :')
Also i remember one time, me and him were walking around shopping with my friend. Me and my friend both went to the lingerie department and he picked up a piece so me and my friend dared him to go up to someone and ask "Does this look good on me"... and he did it ! and to some old lady XD i couldnt help but just fall on the floor and laugh so hard XD
One thing that he still brings up, is one time we were in bed, not doing anything major just making out, we were about to do something (i'll save you the details) but all of a sudden my ipod made a noise and started lighting up, (i have a smurf game which is like farmville) And i blurted out "OH My potatoes are done, give me a second!" i pushed him off me and out the way whilst i got my ipod and sorted it out. We laughed so much about that :')
Theres just a few things >.<
ohhh...cutey days,..i misses my so too much now...
Lol we have a lot both when we are together and apart. He thinks I'm the cutest thing ever. Two things that have us both laughing is when we both make out over the phone...by going aaaahhhhh slobber slobber aaaaaaaaaah. It gets us both giggling every time. We were playing a video game together and after I lost i exclaimed oh no they got me and covered my face and he was dying laughing at me also when he walked in on me dancing to the rhythm of the washing machine. He cracks me up when he makes up stories about our stuffed animal kids with voices and everything. Or when he whines at me when he wants me scratch his face when his hair is growing in or when he calls me over and over again and when I answer him he just says hi. We are a pretty silly couple and i love it :-)
Lol we have a lot both when we are together and apart. He thinks I'm the cutest thing ever. Two things that have us both laughing is when we both make out over the phone...by going aaaahhhhh slobber slobber aaaaaaaaaah. It gets us both giggling every time. We were playing a video game together and after I lost i exclaimed oh no they got me and covered my face and he was dying laughing at me also when he walked in on me dancing to the rhythm of the washing machine. He cracks me up when he makes up stories about our stuffed animal kids with voices and everything. Or when he whines at me when he wants me scratch his face when his hair is growing in or when he calls me over and over again and when I answer him he just says hi. We are a pretty silly couple and i love it :-)
same here,,thats what i misses with my man,,he always makes me laugh too...thats cute
when he walked in on me dancing to the rhythm of the washing machine.
Not with my SO, but my boss walked in on me dancing to the rhythm of the new copy machine today. it's not my fault it make a cool drum beat when it sorts and staples.
With him, but before we were together as I've said in other posts, we always go to see this band called Eisley. Well, all the girls in the band are married or engaged, and the band is made up entirely of family, so it's a neat experience to see them all. After the show we went up to the merch booth and we were talking to one of the sisters. She asked me if I'd made my "husband" a fan of their band. So then I had to explain that he wasn't my husband. We were talking to another sister while getting some stuff signed, and she said to him, "Does your wife want hers signed too?" More awkward explaining. Then the third sister took a picture with us and her husband in the picture and said, "look at these two happily married couples" when she looked at the picture. Even more awkward explaining. When we were on our way to the car later, we ran into their dad who is also their manager. We told him how much we enjoyed the show and asked if he knew when they were planning on coming back. He said they were and then said to me, "We'll be looking forward to seeing you and your husband there!" hahahaha. I was like, "Great! My husband and I will be there." At that point it wasn't worth explaining it to them anymore.
We weren't together at the time, but maybe the Eisley crew could sense that we're meant to be or something.
Sorry that was so long.
Why do you wait for me?
How do you wait for me?
I'm lost and alone without you here in my arms.
I'm lost and alone without you here by my side.
Here's a song for you, lovely
Remember that it's for you only, for you only.
My heart is caught in a landslide
And it beats for you only, for you only.
-"My Lovely" by Eisley
Not with my SO, but my boss walked in on me dancing to the rhythm of the new copy machine today. it's not my fault it make a cool drum beat when it sorts and staples.
With him, but before we were together as I've said in other posts, we always go to see this band called Eisley. Well, all the girls in the band are married or engaged, and the band is made up entirely of family, so it's a neat experience to see them all. After the show we went up to the merch booth and we were talking to one of the sisters. She asked me if I'd made my "husband" a fan of their band. So then I had to explain that he wasn't my husband. We were talking to another sister while getting some stuff signed, and she said to him, "Does your wife want hers signed too?" More awkward explaining. Then the third sister took a picture with us and her husband in the picture and said, "look at these two happily married couples" when she looked at the picture. Even more awkward explaining. When we were on our way to the car later, we ran into their dad who is also their manager. We told him how much we enjoyed the show and asked if he knew when they were planning on coming back. He said they were and then said to me, "We'll be looking forward to seeing you and your husband there!" hahahaha. I was like, "Great! My husband and I will be there." At that point it wasn't worth explaining it to them anymore.
We weren't together at the time, but maybe the Eisley crew could sense that we're meant to be or something.
Sorry that was so long.
ohh the story is cute....its nice..I would love to hear to that HUSBAND AND WIFE THING...that if people will think we are....hahaha
This isn't an embarrassing moment, but it's a really funny moment we had. I went to visit him at his school in March, and someone on his floor found an old, broken laptop. So, we all went to the stairwell and they dropped the computer from the 4th floor down to the 2nd floor and it smashed! Then, it wasn't broken enough for their liking, so someone took it and smacked it against the wall repeatedly as pieces flew off of it and it fell apart. Then, one of the RA's from the 2nd floor came out into the stairwell to see what the racket was. He saw they were destroying a laptop, so he runs back to his floor, and comes back with either a hockey stick or a baseball bat. He starts to whack the computer with the bat/hockey stick!!! We were all hysterically laughing!! It was just so funny to see them just trash this computer out of pure boredom!
"Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."
Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.