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Soo ... how'd it go?

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    Soo ... how'd it go?

    I know this has probably been asked before but I was wondering, what happend when you met your SO for the first time? or I guess I should be asking what did you do on your visit?

    This shoud be coming up for me if nothing changes (again) and I have this nightmare that I'll be so nervous I'll see him and vomit on his shoes XD

    awwww theres no need to be nervous sweetie when you guys lock eyes @ the airport or how ever u guys first see each other any nerves you have just vanish and it just feels right. The first place we went was to get food so we could talk and not necessarily be alone so there was no pressure, it was the best date of my life. The we went back to the room and cuddled and just talked for hours and hours. and the usually went out to eat to the mall walked around my town it just felt right it was simple and as easy as breathing for us. I hope its the same for you guys to. Just remember dont put pressure on the situation because no matter what you guys will be together and thats something both of you want so no matter what you guys end up doing it will b perfect for yall


      We went to the zoo, rode horses, cut down a christmas tree, went to a hot spring, roller skating, toy shopping, played laser tag, went to a couple of movies, watched a few more at his place, went to Seattle with his family, had 3 Christmas dinners and spent a lot of time cuddling. (:

      It's normal to be nervous before the first visit. We fought a lot right before ours and he almost considered running away at the airport before I got out of immigration! I hope you have a great visit! (:


        Aww. It'll be great for you! I actually had a video of when I first met my SO lol. I'll post it here so you can see how I was. I was so nervous but it ended up being great.

        We ended up going out for dinner when he first got here and then just went home and cuddled and watched movies together. You'll be fine I promise (: Good Luck
        "I love the stars and the moon because I know that I'm always sitting under the exact same ones as you"


          Originally posted by rawrimolivia View Post
          Aww. It'll be great for you! I actually had a video of when I first met my SO lol. I'll post it here so you can see how I was. I was so nervous but it ended up being great.

          We ended up going out for dinner when he first got here and then just went home and cuddled and watched movies together. You'll be fine I promise (: Good Luck
          Awwwwhh, I will always remember that moment for us, especially how I felt during the hug. It's wonderful that you got a video of it!


            I went to high school with my SO, but we hadn't seen each other for 14 years when we met up again after talking to one another for about a month, so it's sort of like the first time. I was nervous when he walked through the door because it had been so long since I had saw him, but he has the tendency to put people at ease, so my nerves went away quickly. It wasn't really very awkward at all. We were comfortable with one another within minutes.

            He came over to my house and we went and ate a little restaurant nearby. Then, we went back to my house and we sat outside and talked the majority of the night. It was thundering and lightning out, so it was fun and sort of romantic to watch the lightning and enjoy each others company. He drove back home the next day. It was a very short meeting, but before he left he said he wanted to make this work and we both agreed that where there is a will, there is a way. And ever since then we have been working out just fine. It was a perfect night and I couldn't have really asked for anything better.


              Originally posted by 13000km View Post
              Awwwwhh, I will always remember that moment for us, especially how I felt during the hug. It's wonderful that you got a video of it!
              I know right!? it's honestly probably one of the most amazing feelings I've ever had hugging him for the first time. (: Lol I told my best friend to record it for me
              "I love the stars and the moon because I know that I'm always sitting under the exact same ones as you"


                Originally posted by rawrimolivia View Post
                Aww. It'll be great for you! I actually had a video of when I first met my SO lol. I'll post it here so you can see how I was. I was so nervous but it ended up being great.

                We ended up going out for dinner when he first got here and then just went home and cuddled and watched movies together. You'll be fine I promise (: Good Luck

                awww he looked so nervous and shy walking up to you lol thats cute, when i first met Denise i had my house phone out with me on the porch waiting for her to come, and according to her when i saw her i was attempting to eat my phone lol i do not remember that i just remember thinking "omg omg omg omg shes here!!!!!!!" and when her taxi pulled away she was like "well come down here and see me woman!!" i couldnt cause i was too nervous and shy so she came up the stairs and said "you silly bugger, come here" and gave me a really big felt amazing to be in here arms again!!


                  lol im nervous too, meeting my SO very soon for the first time, and i get so nervous sometimes. Just alot of little worries, but in the end i think it will just work itself out, you'll get caught up in the moment. But ah lol its exciting and nerve wrecking huh? Can't wait tho for that first hug
                  I love you Nathan <3
                  5/25/09 <3


                    Originally posted by Caitlin2009 View Post
                    awww he looked so nervous and shy walking up to you lol thats cute, when i first met Denise i had my house phone out with me on the porch waiting for her to come, and according to her when i saw her i was attempting to eat my phone lol i do not remember that i just remember thinking "omg omg omg omg shes here!!!!!!!" and when her taxi pulled away she was like "well come down here and see me woman!!" i couldnt cause i was too nervous and shy so she came up the stairs and said "you silly bugger, come here" and gave me a really big felt amazing to be in here arms again!!
                    Yeah that's always an amazing feeling to have. I love that feeling. Lol that sounds cute though. I always think it's nice when you've been away from them for Soooo long and you finally see them again. And yeah he was super shy. He told me I was being shy and I admitted it but he still cant lol
                    "I love the stars and the moon because I know that I'm always sitting under the exact same ones as you"


                      Previous threads/more stories:



                        Aww its so cute XD


                          My SO drove us to our holiday house, I took a shower and after that we went grocery shopping. It was so cute how she always stood so close to me to make any kind of physical contact. After that we ordered Domino's Pizza and we ate that on the bed. She actually thought that I would make her sleep in her sleeping bag, but of course we ended up sleeping in the bed together. We cuddled and touched. It was a wonderful first night and we both love remembering it.


                            Everybodys stories are so cute and lovely
                            Well we spent the weekend together at an anime/tv show/film/anything imaginable convention, and when I got off the train I walked to the west entrance, but of course he was at the east entrance! It took us ages to figure it out on the phone xD I ran the entire length of the convention centre i was so excited. I stood for a moment behind the glass doors to the east entrance, then I just went out there and turned the corner, and there he was! I just kept going omg you are so real, you look so 3D! and i wouldn't stop staring at him. And then we hugged and it was just so perfect :3

                            Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling


                              Originally posted by rawrimolivia View Post
                              Aww. It'll be great for you! I actually had a video of when I first met my SO lol. I'll post it here so you can see how I was. I was so nervous but it ended up being great.

                              We ended up going out for dinner when he first got here and then just went home and cuddled and watched movies together. You'll be fine I promise (: Good Luck
                              This is so made me cry!!

