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He broke up with me..

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    Sometimes the way a person can show they care, is by giving you the opportunity to be with someone who truly is deserving of all the beauty and love you have to offer, if they cannot appreciate it properly. Breath easy, have a good many cries, and know that your deserving of being with someone who will cherish you. Today is a new day, so no matter what happens, be strong and know that we are all here for you. <3


      I'm very sorry to read this.
      I send you many hugs.

      Originally posted by Brandie View Post
      Thanks so much everyone, it means a lot to me that even though I'm single now you guys still support me. I didn't get any sleep last night, I woke up today to a puffy face since I've been crying all night and morning. I just feel so alone and I'm confused, and I can't help thinking it was me. Something I could've done better, maybe if I was thinner, maybe if I was more entertaining and exciting, idk.
      Please don't start having any of these thoughts. He need to love you just as you are or else you would have worn yourself out anyway. All people need to find a person who love them as they are, not who they might pretend to be. That cannot be said often enough.
      I have no doubt that you in the future will find that person, once you're again ready. Now you need time to grief and get back on your feet. Do everything you need to do that. Just don't start thinking you could have done something different or having bad thoughts about yourself, you deserve better than that.

      I wish you the best.


        I am so sorry.. I've been there before... sending you virtual hugs from NJ


          I am so sorry to hear this! You seem like a beautiful and caring girl. It is truly his loss to now be missing out on such a wonderful person. Be sure to take care of yourself and to pamper yourself while you're going through this. We are all here for you if you need anything. Lots and lots of hugs.
          "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

          "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

          Met: August 22, 2010
          Made it official: September 17, 2010
          Got engaged: January 15, 2012
          Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
          Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
          Got married: November 21, 2012
          Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
          Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


            Originally posted by Brandie View Post
            Thanks so much everyone, it means a lot to me that even though I'm single now you guys still support me. I didn't get any sleep last night, I woke up today to a puffy face since I've been crying all night and morning. I just feel so alone and I'm confused, and I can't help thinking it was me. Something I could've done better, maybe if I was thinner, maybe if I was more entertaining and exciting, idk. I feel like I was getting a kiss from him one minute and a slap in the face the next minute. I could have offered him so much, but now he has his own life without me. I was so good to him, I just don't see why I couldn't be a part of the changing process with him, he doesn't want me in his change or his future and that kills me. I thought he truly cared about me, and wanted me to be his princess and all his, and now he's free for anyone and I'm free for anyone, and he's ok with that. I don't get it. He couldn't see that I wanted him and only him this whole time, and that I want him in my future, but the feelings weren't the same for me. I feel so stupid and embarrassed. I have been telling him I love him so much lately, planning a next visit in a couple weeks, and telling you all how wonderful he is to me, then here now he doesn't even want me in his life anymore...
            I am so sorry Brandie.

            Clay did something similar to this to me, out of the blue just broke up with me, and in that time I know how exactly how you feel, I had dreams to goals with him and when he was out of the picture I felt like I had nothing, that I wanted nothing. I'm so sorry you are so heart broken but don't think for one second that you are not worth it, that you aren't beautiful, or strong, I believe you are! keep you chin up hon!
            Join the Photography Group Today!


              WOW! [[hugs]] I know this is going to be a ridiculously hard time for you but you know that we're all here to help pull you through this. Keep your head up and move forward no matter how much you cry. Sounds like it came out of nowhere... What you need to remember though is that you had a life before he existed in it and you will have a life after he leaves, even if you don't want to believe that he left... We are all here to be your strength when you need us. Its his loss, not yours... it would be better to know these things now than if you were to have gotten pregnant or married or something and then have him up and leave... I know its going to sound off but be thankful that this happened now and not later when you're in a situation with another human being involved (i.e. a child)... The best way out of the depression is through it, and we're all going to be here to listen and help as much as we can.


                I'm so sorry to hear this. I can only offer virtual hugs and send you good thoughts.


                  *hugs* i'm so sorry to hear that you two seemed so happy from what you said, but remember this you will get past this, you'll grow, learn and get stronger from this experience and you know what you'll be happy again . If you need anyone to talk to we are all here for you to offer advice and help you through it.

                  Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                    Don't ever say you aren't good enough. You two just suddenly have different wants. Its ok. This just means there is someone better out there waiting for you. Someone whose soul will sync with yours. And maybe it will be a cdr too.


                      *huggles* im so sorry



                        You are the most beautiful woman out there because God made you in his image. I may not know you personally but I will tell you this since I have been through it before with my last LDR. You will get over this completely. It may take time but you will get through it. God has someone so much better out there for you. I know he does. We have to pick through the thorns to get the perfect berry. I send hugs to you and prayers. Just remember you were made beautiful no matter what.



                          *goes to glomp you and gives you a mega tight super squeeze hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

                          junebug is right,
                          god has someone better for you,
                          someone much more better


                            I'm so sorry to hear that Brandie! I've never been good at comforting people but try and keep your head held high. Sending lots of love and hugs your way xxx.


                              Originally posted by Junebug View Post
                              God has someone so much better out there for you.
                              i certainly agree!

                              hugs to you


                                Breakups are hard. *hugs* I'm so sorry to hear about it. If you need to talk, message me!

