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What To DO?

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    What To DO?

    My SO and I were already in an LDR for 2 years. But recently he needed to move "farther" from me. From 424.92 miles to 7612 miles. From same time zones to 13-hour difference.
    From texting and calling everyday to almost none.
    Is it alright to have once a month online chat (without webcam) and him sending me one text message in 5 days? When I complain about it, he tells me he's TOO busy and tired to manage studies and work at the same time. Feel bad for him but what bout me?

    I feel freakin terrible and worried about our situation. I seem couldn't handle this anymore.
    Need to have advice from yall. Thanks.

    If it is putting a stain on you then no its not alright. If he is legit unable to communicate more then you might have to hold on a little longer till he can. Is he going to be there for a long time? Maybe tell him that its really hard for you and see if there is any sort of compromise you can work out.


      Rather than complain, perhaps ask him how much more contact he would be willing to have with you since he's the one that knows his schedule best and if it in any way conflicts with yours, you can work on a compromise. You want him to actually want to talk to you more, not feel like he absolutely has to or you'll make a scene, you guys need to enjoy the time you're able to have, not spend it bickering about not having more of it.


        Yes, he needs to stay there until he graduates but he says he'll come visit me on Christmas. yet, I'm not sure if he's gonna keep his word. something may come up and he couldn't make it.


          thanks guys ..


            How long has he been at his new place? Perhaps he is just adjusting to the new place and the new time difference between the two of you and maybe when he is there longer, you two can get into a groove of communicating better. It's hard to adjust after a move!

