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Work vs. Quality Time

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    Work vs. Quality Time

    as yesterday Its my first day at is the only communication we have,,,but my SO's not answering my call since last night,,nor his mobile phone...I feel lonely to know that I needed to work coz I have to,,for my son,,for me to provide his needs,,but now I feel that my SO is getting rid of talking to me.,.I know even in mine,,It is hard to work,,I don't wanna go out,.I wanna see him,,every single day,.more often,,like we used to..if only I had a choice,.but my son needed me too..We've already talked about it,,and he agreed that its ok for me to work..

    It is much double the hurt...I'm missing my SO so much,.can't help but cry,,I wanna see him,.nor talk to him but he's not answering my I'm thinking,,is he mad at me?..what will I gonna do? balanced my time for him and for my work?

    Maybe he has just been busy or not near his phone. I'm sure there is a logical reason for it.


      You all should have a scheduled time that you meet for skypeing or chats or whatever. Whether it's twice a week, or every day. That way you'll know exactly when to call and he'll know when to expect your calls.


        I'm sure he's not ignoring you or anything like that, he's maybe just not near his phone or mega busy, try not to worry. And next time you're talking to him, try and work out a rough schedule like lucybelle suggested; it'll make it easier for both of you and you'll have an exact time to talk to each other, which means less worrying. Good luck!


          i told hm about it already,,i told him that I will call him with this times,..i did...but he's not fun or happy for it...i love my man so much...thats why im hurt,.I feel bad coz i work,,but I really need it,,,for my son....


            You have to do what's right for you and your son. If he's previously said that he's fine with you working, then there's a good chance that it's not the reason he isn't returning your calls, especially since it sounds like it's an on-going pattern with him.

            In the end, you both have to be willing to work on the relationship for it to work. If he's not willing to do his part in your LDR, then there isn't much you can do about it. All you can do is your best.
            My heart belongs to a pilot!


              I can't imagine he's upset because you're working, especially considering you guys have already talked about it and he was ok. You can't dedicate 100% of your life to your SO. You have to support your son and yourself. Something probably came up and he wasn't near the computer/phone. Next time you talk with your SO bring up your work schedules and see if you can work out a time to agree to talk. Maybe you guys should come to an agreement that he'll call you (that way you know it's a convenient time and you don't have to worry about him not picking up).


                You have to work. You have a child to take care of. So, you shouldn't feel guilty about taking care of your responsibilities. It may just take some time for your new schedule to adjust so that you can keep contact with your SO more. And, like others said, maybe you can set up a talking schedule with him and let him know the importance of getting to talk to him.


                  Going to work isn't something you should feel guilty about. You have a son and his needs come first, over your's or your SO's. A LDR is hard work that needs effort from both parties, and from your posts and threads so far it seems like your SO isn't interested in pulling his weight here. It's sounded like you've been pushing to make this work but it's only resulted in pushing him further away. If adjustments have to be made around your new work schedule, have him suggest and make the decisions on when exactly he wants to skype with you. If he still doesn't make himself available during those times, I'm sorry, but there's only so much you can do... All the best!


                    Yes i agree with setting up a schedule for both of you to talk.. So that way you dont have to be on the computer all the time and you can focus on you new job..


                      thanks guys...God knows how much I love him,.but I love my son too and ever since I met him,,he knows my situation,,and my responsibility,.I told him we need to be strong,.and be positive for the two of us,..Its hurts me a lot,,.I miss him so much,,,. but I need to do this for my son....I keep on praying to God that to keep guiding us always,,especially my man,..

