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Visit fail :(

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    Visit fail :(

    So yeah im still in school and finals aren't till next week after this one and well my bf was suppose to come down for like a week and a half and spend his birthday here. but he doesn't have the money and no matter how many times i tell him he doesn't let me help him out. I was planning him a surprise party and everything but yeah i don't think its gonna happen. i was planning on giving him a puppy but since he cant come get it i think i'm gonna have to sell it. its so sad and i feel so bad because it means i'm either gonna have to wait to see if maybe i'm allowed to visit him in july or wait all the way till august. we haven't seen each other since march

    If he's uncomfortable with you paying for it, there's not much you can do. Some guys like to be able to fund stuff like this by themselves. Plus some people in general are wary of doing stuff like that because I've known several people who, when they're not friends or in a relationship with that person anymore, demand they pay them back and give back every gift they gave them, it's crazy. What about keeping the puppy until you guys can visit, would that be at all possible? If not you might do better looking for a local no-kill shelter than selling it via, say, the newspaper.

    Anyway, don't worry, things will work out in the end even if you can't see him when you originally planned.


      I am sorry to hear the surprise party might not happen, but if you're going to have to get rid of the puppy because he can't make it - shouldn't that have been a consideration BEFORE s/he was purchased? Can it go back to the people it was purchased from? Please don't take it to a pound just because it didn't fit into your plans.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        I am sorry your plans didn't work out. My bf also would never let me pay for any of the trips. He would of been here if he would of let me pay for the ticket, or help him pay for the ticket, but he never did. There is really nothing you can do about it. Im sorry


          I agree with Silviar - as sweet as your idea to throw him a party and give him a puppy was, you should've made sure that he can actually come and get the puppy before you purchased it.
          Puppies are real animals with feelings, not just toys that you can buy and return if something comes up.

          July is not far away at all, nor is August. If you can't convince him to let you pay then you just have to stick it out and wait. It could be worse, some people on here only see each other once a year!

