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    Hi, my name's Jenn and I just found this site last night. I thought I'd introduce myself. My boyfriend and I go to college together in Portland, OR but we have just found ourselves on our first summer vacation. He lives in Florida and I am in Washington state, so what had been a very close, sleep in the same bed every night, constantly with each other relationship has suddenly become an LDR for a few months. The adjustments have been really difficult, but I feel better after finding this forum. The tips and ideas are great and I feel not so alone anymore.
    I hope to get to know people better!

    Welcome to the forum, Jenn. So you two will be back together once the Fall semester starts? How lucky!


      Welcome! I will be moving to Oregon in two weeks! The time apart can be very hard but in a lot of ways it helps to strengthen a relationship. I'm glad you've found comfort in this forum. (:


        Yes, we'll be back together in a couple months. I know I'm very blessed that I get to spend so much time of the year with him. We have been together since February, so this summer apart is about equal to the time that we've already been together, which seems a bit daunting. Like I said, the adjustment period has been trying. To go from so much physical contact to none at all is weird, but I have total faith in our relationship and him so I'm just trying to look forward to September!


          Doesn't really matter, distance is distance and time is time. I will agree it is weird to go from having them in the same room to suddenly across the country or even the world and it takes a lot of time and effort to get used to it (I doubt anyone could be 'happy' about it) but it's a pretty good test of faith and relationship. If you guys can make it apart for a while, there's not much you can't do.

