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why Love fades?

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    why Love fades?

    what is the possible reason why Love fades

    any idea guys?...

    I didnt say that my love fades for my man,,,I do love him,,so much...

    just wanna hear any opinions and insights

    Love fades for a lot of reasons, and I don't think anyone could really name all the reasons. Sometimes the person isn't who you thought they were or they have changed from the person you fell in love with, lies and deceit can cause it, time in general can cause it, the list goes on.


      Yes love fades. Love changes. As people we change and grow as we learn and go through life.

      The important thing that as a couple you grow together. You remain open and honest with each other and communicate.
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        Like LMH and Karringtyn are both right.
        A quote that stuck with me which i think is appropriate is this..
        "..People in love grow and change and it is a happy coincidence that we still love the person they become.."
        I don't remember who said it though
        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


          Lack of communication.
          Lack of trust.
          Money problems.
          Time restrictions.
          Finger pointing.
          Broken promises.
          Going to bed angry.
          Society, friends & family getting involved in your disputes.


            I feel like it's mostly because people change. (For both good and bad). And when you experience the person you love - as is, change, it's hard to accept and most of the time you don't want to. I think the key to keeping love alive is accepting the change (as long as it's the good kind, like growing and learning) and understanding each other and doing it together.

            Unless that change includes randomly falling out of love, which is possible too.


              People change, they want different things, their opinions change, people just dont feel the same towards eachother, they stop trusting or doubts grow, theres a number of things really.


                As previous posters have said, People change. It happens and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Some people grow apart and some grow together. Love can fade for any reason really
                "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                  I think love fades because the person becomes comfortable in the relationship and doesn't work as hard at it as they did when it first begain.


                    I think that the longer you're with someone and the older you get with them the more the two of you change. The question is whether you will grow together or separately as you change. I can't say my relationship has faded. But we grow together. I know a lot of people that grew apart and ended up with differing beliefs and so the love faded. It just depends on the couple.


                      Oh and sex becomes boring, routine, and just dull.


                        ah i see...thanks guys for your opinions

