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Time issue & sharing the little things

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    Time issue & sharing the little things

    I haven't been really present here lately as other things have taken over in my life. We've been fine and even now we're still fine. It's me who has a bit of an issue.

    I suppose it's time management.

    We're 3 hours apart (I'm ahead of him). We've spoken before about it, but sometimes I think he forgets. Or it just doesn't register as that big of a deal since I don't make it a big deal. I should also note that I trust him completely, so it's not a matter at all of being suspicious about what he's doing in these time spaces. It would just be nice to know sometimes. Like to know what goes on in his life, so I can feel a bit more involved.

    Here's the thing. I understand that he has more responsibilities than I do and that his aren't as flexible as mine. Except, from where I'm standing his responsibilities don't take up THIS much time. On a typical day he works 10a-3p. He doesn't come online until 6p (9p my time). I don't mind that. I know he's got dinner with the family and spends some time with them. Except then he'll have a day off and say that we'll have the day to spend together, but we don't. He gets online at the same time (sometimes later) than when he's working. The only difference is the night before he stays up a bit later, but for me that's staying up sometimes until 5a-6a. It messes up my sleep schedule and I'm just not very productive for the next few days. But I do it because I want to spend more time with him, especially because I know despite having the day off he won't be on any earlier.

    This is also aside from the fact that he's constantly going afk when he is online. And it's not a little 5 minute break. Usually it's up to 20-30 minutes. Sometimes in the middle of a conversation. I mean, this wouldn't be such a big deal if we were closer and lived together. I suppose I wouldn't feel so ignored. Logically I figure he's just doing normal things like getting something to eat, talking to his family, playing with the dog, going to the washroom. Except he doesn't always say why. In fact, he's gotten into the habit of assuming that I know or I can figure it out.

    On the same topic, something else that kind of bothers me is his willingness to just leave me to accompany his mom to pick up his sister from work. I get that it's late and he wants to make sure she'll be ok. It just kinda bothers me that no matter what we're doing (we could be watching something or playing a game) that he'll tell me, "I gotta go help get my sister." and ask to put what we're doing on hold until he gets back (2 hours later). Sometimes she tells him that it's ok and he doesn't have to go, but I get the feeling like he's disappointed. I don't really know what's going on there. If he just likes getting out of the house or what. Except it doesn't always make me feel very special...

    I mean, I don't need to know exactly what he does in his spare time. It's just nice, y'know? Like if I go out to see a movie, eat at a restaurant, hell even watch tv... I tell him about it because I know he can't be here, so I try to share with him the things I do. Even the mundane things like going to the corner store. He doesn't like to make small talk or talk about unnecessary things. Which makes it a bit difficult on my end. I know he's done more that day than just go to work and eat dinner. More has to have happened. Except he doesn't share unless he thinks it's kind of a big deal.

    I know these issues are purely from the distance. They either wouldn't exist or not even be an issue if we were closer. We don't have problems when we are able to spend time together and enjoy each other's company. Which is why I hate bringing it up because it's a bit of a downer. Like I said, I've mentioned it to him before. A few times actually. And I try to subtlety hint to him about it, like I'll tease him about sleeping in all day (I assume that's what he does) or that he comes online the same time on his day off. I have asked him what he's been up to, but he doesn't always give much back. Like he'll say, "Oh, so-and-so wanted to know something." or "It was nothing." I don't want to be too nosy (sometimes I feel like I am), but under the circumstances I just want to feel more involved...

    I'm not sure what to do. I feel like if I bring it up again it's just going to end up being a long drawn out conversation (taking up more of our time) and having him beat himself up for being a bad boyfriend (which he totally is not!) or telling me that I'm "acting weird." Maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. Even if it's saying I'm over-thinking. I tend to do that sometimes.

    Edit: I should also mention that he's been trying to quit smoking since last winter (although he doesn't tell me much about how it's going unless I ask). I know his mom and sister smoke, so I kinda wonder if these opportunities to get away is so he can go have a smoke... I wouldn't judge him if that's why. I just don't want him lying or hiding things from me. I know I said I'm not suspicious, but this is an after thought. Except I would think he would tell me something like this. And the last time I asked about his smoking he told me that he'd been still trying without elaborating. See? This is what I want to avoid though... if he shared the little things with me in the first place I wouldn't end up looking for things that might not even be there.

    I tell my SO about all of the little mundane things as well. Heck, I even take pictures and send them to him of just little silly things like places I am or what I'm wearing because I want him to feel included. My SO..not so much, but I'm the queen of randomly being like what are you doing or asking him what he did that day. He would never freely volunteer the information unless something he wanted to share happened, but it really makes me feel included to know even the little mundane things he does. Have you tried phrasing it to your SO that it would make you feel more included if he described his day to you or told you some of the things he does?


      Originally posted by Mara View Post
      I tell my SO about all of the little mundane things as well. Heck, I even take pictures and send them to him of just little silly things like places I am or what I'm wearing because I want him to feel included. My SO..not so much, but I'm the queen of randomly being like what are you doing or asking him what he did that day. He would never freely volunteer the information unless something he wanted to share happened, but it really makes me feel included to know even the little mundane things he does. Have you tried phrasing it to your SO that it would make you feel more included if he described his day to you or told you some of the things he does?
      Everyday I ask him what he had for dinner and how work was (which is usually just, "Busy."). He works in public customer service, so I know he must have some interesting stories to tell me, but he's only shared a couple with me. I don't even know that much about his co-workers or boss... I figure if I ask him about work I can go from there, but he doesn't give me much to go on. And it's pretty much the same way for everything else. In the past I did bring up about mentioning the little things more. He does try to remember and sends me photos every once in awhile. I appreciate the effort. It's just feels like there's these gaps of time that I know something must be going on, but because it's not a big deal to him he doesn't think to mention it. :/


        Has he been like this from the start? Cause if he has, then most likely that's just the way he is and you can't change it (not much anyway). But if he's started doing it only lately then I would think there's something dodgy going on - you don't just disappear for 30 minutes in the middle of a conversation and then not even say where you went! That to me would be a big deal. Especially if it kept happening over and over.

        You need to tell him what you told us. He might not realize how he's making you feel when he acts this way or maybe he's hiding something (smoking maybe?), either way you have to be honest with him and talk to him about this. If it is bothering you enough to make a thread then it's important enough to bring to his knowledge as well.

        You won't gain anything by keeping things to yourself just cause you think your SO might think you're nosy or 'over-thinking'. You need to think about YOU as well.


          Originally posted by Tanja View Post
          Has he been like this from the start? Cause if he has, then most likely that's just the way he is and you can't change it (not much anyway). But if he's started doing it only lately then I would think there's something dodgy going on - you don't just disappear for 30 minutes in the middle of a conversation and then not even say where you went! That to me would be a big deal. Especially if it kept happening over and over.

          You need to tell him what you told us. He might not realize how he's making you feel when he acts this way or maybe he's hiding something (smoking maybe?), either way you have to be honest with him and talk to him about this. If it is bothering you enough to make a thread then it's important enough to bring to his knowledge as well.

          You won't gain anything by keeping things to yourself just cause you think your SO might think you're nosy or 'over-thinking'. You need to think about YOU as well.
          It is a bit unusual. I feel a little strange talking to him about the time thing because I don't want to be too needy. The thing is, we're a needy couple. Always have been. We've always wanted to spend time with each other over doing mundane things like chores and errands. Even just last month he was unavailble for an entire week because he had to entertain his visiting relatives, but the whole time he'd be texting me and telling me how he'd rather be spending time with me. So, I don't think it's he doesn't want to spend time with me or that I'm boring him. It feels like there's a missing piece of information he's not telling me, whether it's good or bad.

          My gut is telling me it could be smoking. I have been telling him lately that I'm proud of him and offering encouragement. Except I guess I could see him feeling bad or like he let me down and not mention it to me thinking he could fix it on his own. But that's just speculation.

          You're right, I should talk to him about it. Clearly it's bothering me. I'll bring it up the next time he mysteriously leaves and gives me vague answers when I ask what he was up to. He probably doesn't realize how it looks on my end.


            My boyfriend used to be the same way about talking about stuff he does when he's gone. He'd say "same as always" when I asked him how was work. Or "I don't know, we hung out" when he had been with friends. But after talking to him and a lot of practice, he's gotten better at sharing stories about work and giving details on his day with friends, what he liked or didn't like.

            I would also suggest talking to him as he most probably has no intention of making you feel this way. He may not be that much of a talker, so feels sharing these things are unnecessary. Let him know that it's important to you and that you hope that he can try to put more effort into sharing details to keep your mind at ease.

