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I've come to realize that I will likely be freezing the rest of my life...

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    I've come to realize that I will likely be freezing the rest of my life...

    My SO and I were talking earlier and we were talking about the temperature inside his house. I am always cold when I go up there - I'm from Florida and tropical weather is where I'm most comfortable So spending time there in the fall and winter, I am freezing. Today the weather in NH was incredibly hot and he was telling me how he had the a/c in the house set for 68 but because it was so hot it was only cooling the house to about 78 degrees. And he was still too hot. I have my a/c set to 80 inside my house during the summer, because otherwise my power bill is insanely high, but I feel fine with that temperature.

    This random discussion made me realize that I will be freezing for the rest of my life once we finally close the distance. He will always want the temperature lower and I will always be cold So that's something I'll have to live with.

    What are some of the silly little things you know you'll have to live with once you finally close the distance?

    I have the worst circulation ever. I go outside my door to get the mail and my hands are cold for hours. I have appointed my SO as my personal hand warmer, which means I get to sneak up on him with cold hands and stick them up his shirt!

    Back to your original question, the only thing I can think of is that he is a very picky eater. He always spends time cooking and preparing dinner. I am the kind of person that can cook up some pasta throw some salad dressing on it and I'm happy. I guess I shouldn't complain that he likes to cook but sometimes I just like something quick and easy.


      It doesn't even bother my SO when I stick my cold hands on him - he just laughs at me! I'm the same way with my circulation.


        well i know in Scotland it rains alot....and i love the rain, but most of the time over there its very cloudy and rainy. i went there for 2 and half weeks and i only saw the sun maybe 2-4 times while i was there lol thats something i'll have to get used to but i love that kind of weather anyway


          He knows a shortcut to everywhere..only they're not shortcuts. We'll be driving along and he's like oh, dear turn here I'll show you a shorter way to get to x,y,z and then it ends up taking twice as long. I find this oddly amusing except for when we have to be somewhere for a certain time and we run late because of it.

          He also keeps it freezing in his house so much so that in the summer I feel like I need a jacket on inside and I often have to ask him for a blanket because I'm so cold.

          Then there's that whole thing were he thinks he knows how to do the wash...has ruined quite a few items of my clothing and his. I am determined once we are together for good to do all of the wash myself to prevent any accidental dying, bleaching, or just outright destruction of clothes.


            Well, my SO keeps his heat set at about 59 degrees in the winter. That won't be happening when I move in, though. We'll find a compromise.

            I will have to get used to the snow. I get my fair share of snow where I am from now, but it snows much more often there because it is a mountain town with a high elevation.

            I actually am not really dreading anything living with him. The only thing I think I might have to get used to is his friends stopping by constantly. He has a lot of guy friends who just drop in on a whim with no notice. Luckily, they are all nice guys, but I don't like unannounced visits. Hopefully they will have more consideration once me and my kids move in, but we'll see.


              I hear ya, Blankita. I love summer weather, wearing shorts and flip-flops, spending lazy days at the beach, etc. My boyfriend lives in Finland He also hates hot weather.

              I had always planned to move south my entire life, and the irony of my situation isn't lost on me
              Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                hmmm not quite sure I'll be minding any changes about living with my SO we both hate hot weather, so thats a plus, I'll need to get used to snow, I've never really been in snow before but I'll live, I actually can't wait to go play in the snow ^^

                I guess the only thing I'll mind will be his obsession with late night snacking, the one night I spent with him he literally woke up at like 2am, ate some of his leftover dinner, and then vedged out in front of the tv, I had to drag him back to bed! It was almost like he was sleep walking, it was weird! xD

                Met: 8.17.09
                Started Dating: 8.20.09
                First Met: 10.2.10
                Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                  I've realized that I'm giving up more options of things (the US having such a highly competitive marketplace for a consumer's dollar), and giving up cheapies like dollar menus. However, I'm glad to gain things like free healthcare, sooooo ...

                  LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                    Its really early yet, but we agree that it makes the most sense for him to move if we get to that step(China->US=stronger currency and more job opportunities). However he currently detests summer, so hopefully when he visits later he wont find CA's summer too horrid.


                      Originally posted by FadedSunrise View Post
                      Its really early yet, but we agree that it makes the most sense for him to move if we get to that step(China->US=stronger currency and more job opportunities). However he currently detests summer, so hopefully when he visits later he wont find CA's summer too horrid.
                      Hold up....he HATES summer?!? What is wrong with that boy?! lol


                        The cold temperatures is something I see myself taking a long time to adjust to, having lived in Singapore all my life. My first day there the temperature was about 60 F, perfect to him, but I was already shivering, especially when it started raining lightly. He can't drive when it's too warm in the car because he will fall asleep, so I have to just deal with the cold then, but in the house he can just go without a shirt so he doesn't get too warm.

                        Other than that...our eating habits are very different, I'm sure that won't cause too much of a problem.
                        He also wants me to ride a bike when I'm there since I can't drive and we need to be saving money. But I'm very out of shape and I live in a big city, where cabs, buses and trains are very accessible. I guess it's fair of him to ask that, because if I don't, he'll have to drive me around all the time.


                          Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
                          Hold up....he HATES summer?!? What is wrong with that boy?! lol
                          He's a polar bear who was perfectly happy walking around Beijing with me last winter when it was maximum of 40 degrees and windy >_>. But he says CA's summer can't be worse than Beijing's, lol.


                            Like you, I'll have to get used to the cooler temperatures since my SO lives in England. It is considerably colder in England than in Texas, especially in the summer.
                            Another thing that I'm going to have to get used to is watching football/soccer every Saturday night during the football season. My SO has to know the scores on Saturday night or something bad will probably happen, I guess.
                            "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

                            "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

                            Met: August 22, 2010
                            Made it official: September 17, 2010
                            Got engaged: January 15, 2012
                            Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
                            Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
                            Got married: November 21, 2012
                            Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
                            Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


                              Originally posted by Mara View Post
                              He knows a shortcut to everywhere..only they're not shortcuts. We'll be driving along and he's like oh, dear turn here I'll show you a shorter way to get to x,y,z and then it ends up taking twice as long. I find this oddly amusing except for when we have to be somewhere for a certain time and we run late because of it.
                              that actually sounds like my father >< we once spent 12 hours getting home from virginia, at night, in a storm, through several towns that didn't even have streetlights. haha

                              annnnnd, i don't know things are going to go, but <:L i'm pretty sure aussieland isn't as into pesticides as the US so i'd have to deal with my entomophobia if i head over there/ conversely XD if he ever ends up here in winter, he can see snow for the first time in real life! and i'm sure he'd freeze haha

