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I've come to realize that I will likely be freezing the rest of my life...

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    My fiance is from the Dominican republic, Summer all year round, about 90 degrees. I'm from the UK, north west where it ranges from 20 to 40. So its a massive difference for her.

    Shes been a few times though and she doesnt feel its a problem, as long as you have a warm bed at night... as the saying goes.

    There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad choice of clothing

    ---------- Post added at 10:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 AM ----------

    My fiance is from the Dominican republic, Summer all year round, about 90 degrees. I'm from the UK, north west where it ranges from 20 to 40. So its a massive difference for her.

    Shes been a few times though and she doesnt feel its a problem, as long as you have a warm bed at night... as the saying goes.

    There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad choice of clothing


      My boyfriend and I enjoy mostly the same weather and we're living pretty much in the same climate zone.
      But I'm all about keeping the house as cold as possible. I sleep with the window open during most of the year and I hardly ever turn in the heating.
      I hate how dry the air gets from heating and I'd rather freeze a bit or walk around the house in a sweater.
      I think we'll have to find a compromise on this one or we'll have to have separate bed rooms

      Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


        Originally posted by Caitlin2009 View Post
        well i know in Scotland it rains alot....and i love the rain, but most of the time over there its very cloudy and rainy. i went there for 2 and half weeks and i only saw the sun maybe 2-4 times while i was there lol thats something i'll have to get used to but i love that kind of weather anyway
        I will be moving to Scotland as well and I love this weather too! It will be cold most of the time and that will still take some getting used to coming from Georgia. However, he (my SO) is used to the cold and he keeps his flat cold ( he is a guy..they never get cold!). But we have a nice level of heating we have set , so no worries there.

        I guess the most silliest thing I will have to get used to seeing are the sheep. That was weird seeing so many sheep in comparison to cows and horses. They are EVERYWHERE!! lol You can smell a pasture way before you even see one! But its not too bad...I actually miss them...

        Its funny though, I have been talking with my SO about a similar discussion and we have started a list that he has been helping me to begin..
        WILD FOXES ( compared to my area where you rarely see wild life)
        NO SKUNKS (i was chased by a skunk on a hiking outing...true story!!)
        NO DAYS ABOVE 90 DEGREES (32.2 Celsius) **I don't even think they get much above 80 degrees

        That's what I have so I can't wait to check my list off!!!


          Being from Scotland and my boy being in England we don't have much of a weather difference other than on occasion it can be warmer down there than what we get.

          Mines loves his xbox and is a major major techy type geek so I'll need to put up with that as I am the total opposite!!
          Everytime I See You, I Get Lost In Your Eyes. When You Hold Me I Get Butterflies. When We're Apart All I Think Of Is You.. <3


            We don't have any difference in weather as he lives about 4 minutes away from me when he's home. We do have a similar difference in body temp though. It's especially bad at night when I'm shivering under 12 blankets, and he's laying there with just a sheet on.

            If we ever live together though, I think the biggest problem will be that he's a vegetarian and I'm not. I like to cook, and can get pretty experimental, but I do like to cook with meat sometimes. It's also hard to get him to eat healthy. The boy just loves his cheese and bread. haha.
            Why do you wait for me?
            How do you wait for me?
            I'm lost and alone without you here in my arms.
            I'm lost and alone without you here by my side.
            Here's a song for you, lovely
            Remember that it's for you only, for you only.
            My heart is caught in a landslide
            And it beats for you only, for you only.

            -"My Lovely" by Eisley


              I haven't had to compromise a lot, but he certainly has bended towards my will. It's funny you mention AC. I never heat or AC my apartment (I prefer $16 gas/electric bills to $50) so he's gotten used to sweaters in the winter and fans in the summer Plus I don't have cable (don't wanna pay the $80 a month... I'm real stingy!!) so he's learned to use Hulu and Netflix for the things he really wants to see! Poor guy, I've taken all the luxury out of his life


                I hear ya! My bf is in AZ and we always lived in MI. If I move down there I will have to get used to it always being hot.

                When we close the distance I cannot have a cat because he is allergic.


                  Hahaha, this is something Loic and I know we'll have disagreements about once we're living together!! He's from Ireland, and for some reason, he's more used to cold weather than me... and I'm from Canada! But I have poor circulation, and unless it's over 22 Celsius, I'm cold. So I always steal more blankets and always have an extra sweater on when I'm with him!

                  Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                  Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                  Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                    Originally posted by Alexandria Lora View Post
                    I will be moving to Scotland as well and I love this weather too! It will be cold most of the time and that will still take some getting used to coming from Georgia. However, he (my SO) is used to the cold and he keeps his flat cold ( he is a guy..they never get cold!). But we have a nice level of heating we have set , so no worries there.

                    I guess the most silliest thing I will have to get used to seeing are the sheep. That was weird seeing so many sheep in comparison to cows and horses. They are EVERYWHERE!! lol You can smell a pasture way before you even see one! But its not too bad...I actually miss them...

                    Its funny though, I have been talking with my SO about a similar discussion and we have started a list that he has been helping me to begin..
                    WILD FOXES ( compared to my area where you rarely see wild life)
                    NO TORNADOES
                    NO SKUNKS (i was chased by a skunk on a hiking outing...true story!!)
                    A LOT LESS THUNDER STORMS
                    NO DAYS ABOVE 90 DEGREES (32.2 Celsius) **I don't even think they get much above 80 degrees

                    That's what I have so I can't wait to check my list off!!!
                    and the no days above 90 degrees is nice! i cannot wait for that actually, i cannot stand the heat here! i will miss the thunderstorms though i do love those


                      Back to your original question, the only thing I can think of is that he is a very picky eater. He always spends time cooking and preparing dinner. I am the kind of person that can cook up some pasta throw some salad dressing on it and I'm happy. I guess I shouldn't complain that he likes to cook but sometimes I just like something quick and easy.
                      For some reason that image made me laugh. But I agree, I'm the same way :P (Though I've never though of putting salad dressing on pasta... haha)

                      "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                      -Miguel De Cervantes

                      Read our story HERE


                        If I'm honest, I miss the 'feel' of Australia when I visit him in Florida, I can never explain it to people. Because I'm a real outdoorsy person, and I love going for walks in conservation parks etc, I'm really attached to the way it looks and smells and sounds, so I miss all that including the familiar wildlife sounds. It's kind of a treat when I go there and there's different things to see and here, but I still miss the bush back home.

                        Otherwise, the only thing I think I have to put up with is that whenever he says he's ready to go somewhere, he's not. He still has to put his shoes on, get his wallet and phone etc which takes forever for some reason, so we're sometimes late to places. I hate being late. :P
                        Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
                        First met: June 13th 2006


                          Once we close the distance when he gets done with college I know that we will probably have to relocate a lot because of his job but I think I am up for the adventure, although his job will probably take us to rural places which I personally don't like all that much but he loves. I'll be happy as long as we're together though!

                          Madly in love with Michael


                            Originally posted by Caitlin2009 View Post
                            and the no days above 90 degrees is nice! i cannot wait for that actually, i cannot stand the heat here! i will miss the thunderstorms though i do love those
                            I'm also moving to Scotland with my SO I will miss warm weather, but I agree, I'm going to miss thunderstorms!! We're at a time of year here where we're getting at least 2 a week!

                            Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                            Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                            Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                              Im not really dreading anything. He is always hot, he is like a radiator all year round - Im normally cold in winter and can be quite cold in summer too so he acts as my personal radiator Tbh, i dont think im dreading anything about living with him. He is coming to live with me so i guess thats why :L i bet he will miss his hot weather in Canada coz the UK weather can suck! lol


                                Hmm. My career. Physician Assistants don't exist in Argentina. :< Anyway, i'll be fine as long as i'm with him.

                                Oh, and bacon cheese burgers.

