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Meeting her for the first time...Canada to California

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    Meeting her for the first time...Canada to California

    Well, I am looking to meet her for the first time, as she lives in California and I live in Ontario, so its quite a distance and I can understand why, but was just wondering if there was any way to change my worried mom's mind...

    I understand what she means when she said that when I meet her in person for the first time, it may be different and she may not feel about me the same way, and my mom is scared that if she doesnt like me for whatever reason, and we have a misunderstanding of some sort or an argument, that she will kick me out of her house and I will have to find a place to stay for the remainder of the week, without enough money to do so...

    I dont know if that kind of stuff actually happens or not, but I can see the logic there.

    Any advice on what to do in a situation like that? (Cause I really want to meet her and help our relationship grow stronger)

    Im 17 by the way.

    My boyfriends coming here to California for the very first time and is from Scotland. I guess theres always that scary chance, so i think it would be wise to have money to get a hotel room or somewhere to stay just in case. How long are you visiting her for? But you know your SO better than anyone else, and if its real love then you don't have to worry because these things will work itself out. My mom is constantly telling me things might be different it might not work out yadda yadda, and until we meet in person, i can't tell my mom she's wrong. Nathan's coming here and hes fully booked and payed for so if things weren't to work out he has a place to stay, so personally i think its wise to come prepared. Even tho i have no doubts about me and Nathan if i were to go visit him, it wouldn't be until i have enough to take care of myself without anyone elses help.

    But no worries, things will play out how there meant to, im sure as soon as you guys see eachother things will just feel natural and you guys will have a great time
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      Your Mom is right. There's a possibility that it will happen. So be ready for it. But of course you know for yourself that she loves you so she will accepts you and she will feel the same if you meet in person or more than that... Just be positive and don't forget to be yourself. Wish you the best Good luck
      "Love wins everything especially fear."


        Alright, thanks a lot. I guess I will have to wait a little until I get my finances up Oh well... I just hope it works out :P Thanks again


          Will your mum like the idea of maybe getting a supplementary credit card for you so you can find a hotel or something if things don't work out? Otherwise, save enough for you to book a hotel or a flight home and make sure your mum knows you have that money just in case. There is a chance that these things happen, but nowhere near as often as wonderful first visits do. Give your mum the address and phone number of where you will be staying, let her talk to your SO on the phone or over skype. Promise you'll text/email as soon as you get there so she knows everything's okay. All the best!


            Well, there's always the possibility that you don't get along in person or that your feelings are not the same as they were online. It does happen. Don't worry about that though if you had enough time with your SO, did lots of talking and webcamming. My SO and I spoke every single day before I came over to see her, we knew a lot about each other, and it was simply wonderful.


              As long as you are prepared financially, it is totally worth the shot!

