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advice please!

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    advice please!

    I'm tired, annoyed and stressed out from final projects...but this just adds to it...because I'm left in the dark once again.

    my boyfriend...who lives in washington, usa...while I live in pennsylvania, usa.
    anyways this past weekend was a rough one...his mother was in the hospital or well still is. i havent got a clue...because saturday we were talking...and then it went into flirting. he asked for a naughty photo. something i hadnt ever done..and well i just wasnt up for it.
    he got mad...upset over it. like hardcore. he told me it made him wonder about our relationship. i told him i just would feel better if we had actually met in person first.
    he told me whatever...and that it was fine. not to worry about it.

    its been 3 days. nothing. no phone calls. nada. i really don't know what to do.
    I finally sent him a text asking him if he wanted a break. i got no reply.

    i'm hurt...and confused...i just dont know what to do.

    Sounds to me like this guy is kind of mean, no man should make you feel guilty about something that you are uncomfortable with. You may want to try calling him to talk it out rather than just sending a text message because working it out through text usually just leads to more arguing or miscommunication.

    Madly in love with Michael


      Sounds like he's trying to use emotional issues as leverage. Personal boundaries are completely legit, if he cannot respect them I'd be fairly dubious of him full stop.


        I wouldn't jump to conclusions too quickly. If his mom's in the hospital, there may be outside circumstances keeping him away and his focus elsewhere. If you're uncomfortable giving naughty pictures, and he pressures you or breaks up with you because of that, then frankly, he's a jerk, and MOA!

        However, keep in mind he might have gotten crazy upset because of emotional issues - if his mom's illness is what caused him to lip, then his head clearly isn't in the right place. Go carefully, and put yourself first. You'll know if this is the relationship for you soon enough, and good luck on your finals.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          Like the previous responses, i wouldn't freak out just yet, cause if his mom is ill he could be dealing with this and just have no time to talk.
          As far as him getting upset about you not giving naughty pics, you shouldn't feel guilty in any way, no guy should pressure you into anything you don't feel comfortable with, especially your SO. If he truly loves and cares for you he will get over it and not guilt you into anything.
          I love you Nathan <3
          5/25/09 <3


            Just because his mother is in the hospital, it doesn't give him the right to act like a little whiny bitch or treat you like you're less than human. Rather than asking him if he's ok, he should be getting an ass whooping. How would his mother react if she knew this is how he was treating you while she's in the hospital going through God knows what? What he needs is to hear from one of you two that he should be ashamed of himself and his behavior. Stop trying to contact him, especially if when he does this is how he's going to treat you. Wait for him and then talk out what he did.


              Seriously don't freak out. Be understanding of his situation. At the same time, know you have done nothing wrong!


                I'm not condoning his behavior... but just try talking to him again soon. IDK how you were talking in the first place but if it was by email or text then things can get heated pretty quickly since you can't decipher tone through text... There have been several times that my BF and I have gotten into arguments because we were talking via email or text. Try to talk to him again and if he still feels the same and isn't concerned about your comfort level... then maybe you should reconsider your relationship.


                  I know he's going through a hard time with his mom being in the hospital & all, but it still gives him no right to treat you like that.

