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I'm being unreasonable

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    I'm being unreasonable

    I don't really get why I am feeling uncomfortable about this..

    A little background.. my girlfriend used to work in nebraska, and just a few months ago moved to the east coast to be closer to family and what not.

    So anyway, while I was visiting my girlfriend a couple of weeks ago, she gets a text message from one of her guy friends and its flight details.. so she tells me and of course I ask what its about and I guess its one of her friends from Nebraska, and he is coming there to visit some family and she promised him that she would pick him up from the airport..

    Alright, i'll buy that for now, I have no reason not to..

    So today we're talking and I tell her that I have to work on saturday morning for a couple of hours.. and she responds with "its ok, I have to work saturday morning too..."

    than randomly she says "and ill probably want to spend some time with my friend while hes here visiting family too"

    Alright.. I am normally not the kind of guy to get jealous.. I am very trusting and shes not given me any reason to not have trust.. but this situation makes me so uncomfortable..

    I mean really? Shes living in nebraska for work.. moves back home, and than just months later this guy she was friends with in nebraska is coming home, to the same tiny ass town she lives in.. to visit his family..?

    something does not add up here to me.

    If you have no reason to distrust her then you've gotta let these worries pass. If you have a gut feeling she is lying to you then bring it up but in a non accusatory way.


      Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
      If you have no reason to distrust her then you've gotta let these worries pass. If you have a gut feeling she is lying to you then bring it up but in a non accusatory way.

      Sounds a little bit funny to me as an outsider, but that doesn't mean anything. Just talk to her about it if it makes you uncomfortable.


        I agree with the above posts. If you are feeling that uncomfortable about it def just talk it out with her and express your concerns. You may just be jumping to conclusions.

        Madly in love with Michael


          She moved away from her comfort zone, and it's normal to want to see friends when the opportunity arises. I see nothing out of the ordinary from your post, but if it makes you uncomfortable, I'd spend some time pondering if the issues was her or you, and if it's something she said, I'd talk to her.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            I don't see anything wrong with this. But if it makes you feel uncomfortable you should talk it out with her before it arises into a big uncomfortable feeling.


              I actually moved to a small town and met a few people from my town, which is another small town, that had moved there as well. I don't think that's so uncommon and when you move to a new place it's comforting sometimes to make friends with someone who is from where you are from. If she's given you no reason to doubt her, don't start doing so now. Just talk it over with her and ask more questions about this guy if you want to. But if something was going on, I'm sure she wouldn't be so upfront with you about it.


                I think that if she's openly talking to you about picking up her friend from the airport and hanging out with him, then obviously she doesn't see it as a problem. I think if there was something fishy going on, she would act as if there was and be a little bit more secretive about it. I don't think you have anything to worry about if she is being open and honest with you, which sounds like she is.


                  I can't see anything dodgy in your post tbh. She's not hiding the fact that she's meeting him and seems very open about it in general. I don't think you have anything to worry about.

                  It's very easy to get jealous when you're in a LDR, even over things you don't normally react to. You need to tell her how you feel so that she can be sensitive about the subject and not upset you by accident. Like you said, she's not given you any reason not to trust her so try and let this go. I'm sure you have absolutely nothing to worry about - she loves you


                    Originally posted by Micah View Post
                    I think that if she's openly talking to you about picking up her friend from the airport and hanging out with him, then obviously she doesn't see it as a problem. I think if there was something fishy going on, she would act as if there was and be a little bit more secretive about it. I don't think you have anything to worry about if she is being open and honest with you, which sounds like she is.
                    I completely agree.

                    She's being open about it, meaning that she wants you to trust her. If she was trying to hide anything from you, him for example, she wouldn't have told you a single thing about him and hoped you never found out.

                    My advice: Let it go. I know how you feel. I've been there too and it'll end up all bad if you over-analyze it too much.
                    "The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson."
                    -Tom Bodett

