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I could go for a Jennie slurpee
You drive me crazy... then when i asked if it was the good kind of crazy he said ... The very best kind.
I love you with all my heart & soul
As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance
This is a series of texts that he sent me one night:
I'm still at the bbq. Your amazing just the way you are. xx
Everytime I hear the words I love you just the way you are, I think of you and I want you here xx
All I think about is you xx
I want us to be together always. I love you honey xx
I know that you are the one that I want. I love you so much xx
I love you with all my heart xxx
Granted, he was at a bbq and probably drunk, but he says he meant every word.
"I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."
"It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard...is what makes it great! -A League of Their Own
Met: August 22, 2010
Made it official: September 17, 2010
Got engaged: January 15, 2012
Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
Got married: November 21, 2012
Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013
'Just know I wouldn't choose this distance and to be away from the person I love so much. Don't forget that, cant wait to have you in my arms again xxx"
Since Corey is overseas now we can't text anymore. Instead we talk over AIM when we can. So... it's not exactly a text, but it would have been a text if he wasn't in Thailand. :P
It's not exactly cute or romantic but it certainly highlights one of the reasons I love Corey so much.
About a week and a half ago I had a really horrible day and I sent him a text asking him to say something nice to me because I really, really needed to have some one be nice to me.
His response: "I love you more than I love lasagna". It made me laugh...if you knew him at all you'd understand this is a grand statement!
it was my birthday and she said "if i could have you down here i would take you on a hike to a beautiful spot and give you a birthday kiss <3 ) their are a lot more but that was just my favorite.
This is the text he sent me while he was in Texas visiting a friend:
heyy sweetheart, i hope i don't wake you up with this text, but i just wanted to say that i really miss youu a lottt and i wish i could be cuddled up next to you in your gray cammie and pink fuzzy pants with your hair tickling my face and your breathing just a bit faster than mine, and your body pulled in close to mine, i miss you a lot kristin, even tho i'm where i would've only dreamed i would be 3 years ago, now i'd much rather have you in my arms... i love you sooo muchh and can't wait to see you :* (HHHUUGGGGGGGGG)<- BIG hug like hug=x where x->oo, goodnights sweetheart i love you sooo muucchhh
May 26, 3:06am
I use to have like 80 text messages saved on my phone, but with my new iphone, I haven't figured out how to lock text messages, I don't think you can. And then, someone showed me I can do a screen shot, so I have saved this message for awhile now.
Hi baby, sorry to be texting so late (3a.m.) I hope this doesn't wake you, but I fell asleep and just woke up and i miss you like crazy and wanted to tell you that and that I love you. You are forever mine.
"I love you. I know that you love me and I appreciate that so much. I will find a way to demonstrate to you that even that I am difficult, I worth it. We are meant for each other Melissa. Otherwise we wouldn't be where we are."
"In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
-Miguel De Cervantes
My SO is not that good with words, so every little nice message means the world to me XD.
I'm not sure which is my fave, but the one that comes to mind right now is a message he sent Christmas eve, when he was at work. (He works for 5 weeks on a ship at the time)
なんだか寂しいな。俺はクリスマス祝う事はあまりしないけど、クリスマスはイサと過ごしたかっ た。"
= Today they're celebrating Christmas here on the ship. For some reason there's a lonely feeling. I don't really celebrate Christmas, but I would liked to have shared it with you.
(Japanese people don't really celebrate Christmas)
Sorry to bring back an old thread, but I thought this was too cute a thread to pass up!
I've got a ton of them saved on my phone...some of them are:
"life loves me...it gave me you"
"I'm in love with my best friend"
"You are my other half. I love our bond. I'm happy to be with you..."
"You are my foundation. you support me and i'll never stop supporting you :P"