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i dont know what to do! sorry if this post is kinda long...

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    i dont know what to do! sorry if this post is kinda long...

    i met my boyfriend, ayden, about two years ago in the summer of 09, on facebook. our friend wanted me to add him on there, so i did. later, he told me he was gonna reject it, but his friend added me instead. i feel so lucky.. oh and he lives in Utah, and i live in Georgia so its about 3,000+ miles away. but after talking on the phone and skype, he started to become my best friend. it was strange, but very true. he helped me alot with my family problems and such, which no one has before. not even my closest real friends. and on May 11, 2010, i finally told him i love him more than anyone. he told me he loves me also. i was so happy! so we continued to be in a long-distance relationship, and he was okay with it, as was i. we made plans with the help of my dad to meet eachother during the next summers (we would be 15, 16, and 17) and secretly, we planned to live together in Utah and go to college there when were 18.

    things were going really well, until November 2010, when his freak mom (shes mormon and all, so she didnt like us talking because im not mormon and apparently i "kept him from hanging out with his friends, and took up to much time") decided to put up a limit to how long we could talk during the day. she blocked me from his phone until 10 at night to 12:15, school days, and from 12 to 4 on weekends. so i got to talk to him only 2 hours a day! this lasted a few months, and it really made us get closer. we gradually got used to it, and were okay with it.

    but for some reason, one night in January 2011, he didnt text me at 10. i got kinda worried, but figured his stepdad had just forgotten to unblock me. but i looked on facebook and realized i wasnt his friend on there and i was blocked. i started to put two-and-two together, but thought i was overreacting a little. but just in case, i sent him a message on there.. later, he became my friend on facebook again. but at 12 that night, he called me. he told me for some reason his mom didnt want us to talk anymore, so she was going to permanently block me so we wouldnt be able to talk, and deleted all the people we were both friends with on facebook, so we couldnt talk through them, and forbid him from using facebook, even at his dads house. i swear, i couldve died.. i was so scared that i wouldnt be with him anymore and hed stop loving me. we got 15 minutes to talk for the last time. that was the shortest 15 minutes of my life. he told me not to worry. that once he could get a job and help pay for his phone, he would ask to unblock me. he also told me to wait for him and that he WILL get an apartment when were 18, and he WILL contact me through phone or facebook, so that we can be together then. and ill never forget the last thing he said to me.. he said "i love you. dont do anything stupid". he actually managed to make me laugh a little bit.. i realized then that i was going to miss him more than anything, and that no one could take his place.

    its been 5 months since then, and im still missing him and crying at night sometimes, when i think that i should be talking to him instead of just thinking of him. so i dont know what to do.. its only four years until were 18 and out of highschool. were starting 9th grade this fall, and im so scared for it. i hate thinking of him getting a real girlfriend and forgetting about me. ill never forget him though. and he told me and swore to me that ill always be the best person in the world and that he'll always love me and that no other girl will ever interest him.. but hes a guy. how can i really believe that he wont ever want a girlfriend while hes in highschool?

    idk what to do. should i wait? i want to, but its hard.. should i? will it be worth it? i do love him so much..

    This is a rough situation. I'm sorry to hear that happened. I understand your wanting to wait for him but 4 years is a long time and it would be an awful shame if you sat around waiting for him and missed out on the next 4 years experiencing things yourself. There isn't even a guarantee that you too will still want to or end up together after those 4 years. If you meet a nice boy who you like, I would make sure to not pass up the opportunity of getting to know him. For now you have no contact with this guy, I think you need to act like you are broken up. If the stars align and you can be together in 4 years, wonderful. If not you don't want to look back on the last years wishing you made something of them.


      yeah. thats true.. ill wait, but i will get to know some nice guys. i wont be naive and stay away from everyone, like im really in a relationship. and youre right, i dont want to waste my whole time in highschool waiting and doing nothing. ill have some fun while im at it, and if im lucky enough to be with him, i will. youre right. thank you. C:


        think about school first and be excited of what the days may bring you. we don't know, the right one for you might just be sitting next to you in class. grab every opportunity to enjoy and experience life. *hugs*


          Seriously, take this all in stride. I know this must be hard on you but you are young, so you do have time. I'm not saying you were not meant to be with him, but maybe in 4 years it will be more right for you. Don't reject other people that you actually like just because you are holding out. If he really cares about you, he's understand you wanting to be with someone else if you can't have any contact with him.


            >.< Im not trying to be mean when I post this so Im sorry if it comes off kind of harsh

            This seems a little fishy to me. I do understand that parents get in the way a lot when you're as young as you guys are and they do have the final say so. At the same time, there's still other ways to communicate. Did they block his entire internet access? There's still skype and instant messengers. Facebook is not the end all be all. I think if he wanted to talk bad enough he'd get creative. I think you should follow your feelings. To me, theres not much a relationship if you're not communicating at all. I'd say keep your options open and dont rule out that someone else might come up along the way. Freshman year in highschool is too early to make promises like that.
            I hope everything works out for you, but I hate for you to be distressed, when you could be looking forward to new possibilities in highschool.


              I think it's okay for you to still miss this guy, but I also think that as time goes on, you will likely meet other people and move on to other things. A lot of fun things can happen in high school, so I would take advantage of all of it. I think it is unrealistic for a person your age to wait for someone who has no ability to talk to you and whose parents are doing everything in their power to cut the communication. If you are meant to be together in the future, you will be together. (My SO and I met in high school and we didn't work out because he thought I was too young. We reconnected 14 years later and I'm moving in with him in less than 2 weeks.) Anything is possible. In the meantime you should live your life and try to distract yourself with things and people that make you happy. Everything will come together if it is supposed to. Regardless, sorry you are going through this.


                To be honest i really don't think his mom being a mormon has anything to do with her not wanting him to talk to you, i think it has to do with his age and that she wants him to do good in school without any distractions, as well as get out of the house instead of being inside all the time. Plus he's under 18 and he lives with his mom and since it's his mom's house it's her rules and he has to follow them. Now with her saying he can't use facebook at his dad's house she can't do that because his dad's house, his dad's rules unless of course the courts in Utah said that some rules have to be mutually respected in both households and he dad agreed to the facebook one.

                Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.

