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    I think I might of just lost my ld bf and I dont know what to do. We had a tiff, I said something mean and he of course he replied back with a mean comment. I've apologized but don't know if that will help. Some one pls help with advice. First ldr ever

    Im sure if you guys really want to be together you guys can work through it. I can't really help or give advice tho without knowing what the fight was about, but patience is key and communication, if you want to make up let him know your feelings.
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      its so much easier to fight when you're LD... it will take time to learn how to communicate with each other and not push each other's buttons... Depending on what the fight was about, it might be easier to just apologize and talk it out. If that's not an option then just explain to him why you are upset and that you don't want to fight or be mad at each other.


        Coupes get into minor tiffs all the time. My bf and I got into one yesterday as a matter of fact. If you've apologized and you don't feel that's done any good, try apologizing again and telling him how much he means to you and that you don't want to fight. I wish you the best.


          Maybe you should try not saying something mean. I'm not trying to be rude about it. But when one or the other person says something mean, it usually comes back to bite you. So why not avoid it in the first place by trying to hold your tongue. If you really care about the person, then you shouldn't be saying anything mean to begin with. Not everyone's perfect though. I'm definitely not always wise in my speech either. But I constantly try to work on it and make myself better so I'm not always being an a-hole to my SO. Cuz who honestly wants to be with an a-hole?
          "The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson."
          -Tom Bodett


            You know, to give actual advice we need details. What was the fight about? How did it start? What was said? Can you add more detail as to how you both reacted? Why did you suddenly decide to apologize? Without some of these details, all I can say is give him some time to cool down and talk things out calmly.


              well a tiff means it was a minor fight right? ( I think) Partners get into fights all the time. You both just probably need to time to cool off. Dont jump the gun and think you've lost him already. After you've both cooled down some (especially if you're not talking) you'll realize you miss each other and end up apologizing :3


                I think if you're scared of losing him over a little tiff then your relationship isn't based on a very solid ground. it's hard to give any advice since you weren't specific about the details but I guess in time he will cool down and you guys can talk again.


                  Are prob his is ex wife, she has been a prob since we started dating (even though she has a bf) I mentioned us moving in together and he said he sees that as a prob at the moment and then I went on to run my mouth saying that maybe him having a gf at the moment is a prob and that if he dont want me somebody else will and he's slowing up my progress. I know WRONG but I was upset and o had diahrea of the mouth. I Have appologizing since.


                    We started talking again but he's still very distant. I've broken down and texted him to pls give me a more deffinate answer. Just awaiting a reply. : (


                      I'm sure it will be okay. Some people just hang on to things and need a longer cooling down period. You've given him a sincere apology and now you just have to show him that you'll learn to control your mouth. In the future, remember that it's okay to say "This conversation is making me mad... can I have five minutes to cool down?". If you're worried about saying something bad in the heat of the moment, that strategy can help.

                      Long-distance arguments can be scary since they don't always get sorted off immediately--you might go offline, sleep, go about your day, etc before you fix the argument. Sometimes that helps, though! A cooling-down period away from each other can help put the whole argument (which is often small and silly) in to perspective. So stay calm, don't worry and I'm sure things will be okay.


                        He said if we can't work this out, then he still wants to be friends. How can we go from bf/gf to "just friends".


                          I think you guys need to work on your trust a little more. Don't jump to conclusions when he says a comment like that. Words are only words, and you can claim to take it back at the end of the day, but whats said is said. Talk with him about this... and is there a reason why you think you two shouldn't be together? IDK it just seems to me like there's something unresolved still sitting in between you two.


                            Don't worry, after a big or small argument it's normal to be a bit distant, just be patient, remind him you love him, and things will sort out.
                            People say things they don't mean often, the key is being able to realize what you've said and say sorry. Don't worry

                            Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


                              It looks like he might be counting you guys out already. To me it doesn't seem like he values your relationship as much as you do if he's willing to think about giving up this early.
                              And as far as the "just friends" things go, in my opinion I could never do that. The only way I could see going from lovers to friends actually working was if the break up was mutual and from I've read it wont be. You should think about if you want to invest your feelings in someone who isn't willing to invest their feelings in you

