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Physically, how much?

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    Originally posted by Yei&Jon View Post
    Well, in the almost three years we've been 'dating', we spent about 23 days together (divided in two visits; six days the first and 17 days the second) and now we're closing the distance in August so we might be crazier. >.>

    But, there's not much we can do about the money issue so we'll see how it works for us once we're together. :S
    Then I must be even crazier. In 1.5 years we've spent 22 days together (1 visit) and next week I'm flying up there to close the distance at least for the summer, then hopefully go to school there.


      He is usually gone between 4 to 6wks. Then when he does come home, he is home any where between 7 to 10 days.


        Maybe about a month out of each year.. this year it has been more... probably 2 months... but I'm spending the whole summer with him


          This year, with the holidays added, we will see each other for about 50-60 days. A few days less than we normally spend together, but we are both in summer school right now

          *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


            We spent about 10% of the time together because he travels for work.


              By the end of this year we will have spent 66 days together for 2011. So far we are at 17 days of that total.
              Last year we spent a total of 69 days together.

              Overall we have spent 15% of our relationship physically together so far


                We got together on 10th jan 2010.

                In 2010 we spent 100 days together, a 10 day visit in march and a 90 day visit in the summer.

                So far in 2011 we've already spent 112 days together. A 90 day visit and a 12 day visit.

                Were aiming for around a further 28 days before November/December when we should be looking at the first steps to close the distance.

                Fingers tightly crossed!
                Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

                Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

                And remember....Love really IS all around.


                  I think we've been together for 80 days this year already (if I counted correctly).

                  In the other thread (I think it was sam's? ) I counted that we had been together for a little over 30% of the time in since we became LD in 2010.

                  I don't know how long it'll be by the end of this year, since we've only planned visits until August (roughly September) so far. I have to see how much time off I can take it my new job

                  Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                    well seeing as how summer vacation happens every year, that time i get to see him. This past school year we were in the same college, so I literally saw him pretty much every single day. But we'll be in different schools come fall semester, so after that, perhaps about 3 weeks before December is over...?


                      Originally posted by churchgrim View Post
                      ditto on this one


                        Thank you all for replying, i enjoyed reading all of your answers, and seeing how you can defy distance and time spent apart

                        Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


                          I've seen him for about three days this year, but we weren't in a relationship then. I'll be spending almost four weeks with him this summer, and that's all for this year..


                            Originally posted by Sora1101 View Post
                            I've been with my SO almost 2 years and have only spent one day with him....kinda depressing
                            awww how come this is so? :c


                              82 days in the past 11.5 months we have been together. We're moving in together in 5 days.


                                none yet

