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Saying goodbye ... :(

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    Saying goodbye ... :(

    So Andy is packing at this very moment and we're leaving my house in half an hour ... Wow this week has gone by so fast it's unreal. And the goodbye seems to be loads harder than normally even though we both know we're seeing each other again hopefully in 3 months.

    The thing is, we've used this week to look into him moving in here and there's so many obstacles to cross and we've come to realise that it could actually take another year and a half before he can live here - Andy's thinking about doing a Master's degree in here but he would've had to apply for it in January so it's too late for him to get in on this year's program and the next one starts in September 2011 so he'd have to stay at home until then and work/save up money to come here and study (although the degree is free in here but you're not allowed any student/social grands etc as you're a foreign student).

    I guess what makes it harder is that we were both mentally prepared for ending the distance fairly soon after he finishes Uni ... there's a few straws left to pick but nothing concrete we can count on, just hope for.

    I didn't expect to feel this sad and neither did he. The positive thing is that I'm starting work tomorrow and he's straight back into doing coursework when he gets home so at least that'll keep us occupied.

    Uncertainty is the thing we both hate. Not knowing what's gonna happen in the future is hard to take. And even more hard when you don't know WHEN we can actually start our life together.

    This is the 6th time wer'e saying goodbye but somehow it feels more final than before ... I'm gonna miss him more than ever.

    I'm sorry Tanja and Andy! I hope you can work out the future soon. May the end of the distance be around the corner!


      My heart hurts for you both! Sending hugs and many good wishes that the hard part passes quickly!


        *big hugs* for you both. I can feel ya on the uncertainty bit. But you are both strong, so you will work through it. I think knowing what you face to get him there is probably a big reason for this parting feeling so...heavy. I am sorry that it looks like a hard road ahead. But...when you guys come through all of that, you will know more than ever that you two can deal with anything life throws at you!


          Thank you all for the sweet words ♥

          I just came back home from the airport, feels so empty in here now ... I've never seen my daughter as upset as she was today because Andy left so that's not making this any easier *sigh*
          She keeps asking me why couldn't he stay and why can't he just come here for good - in child's mind it's all so easy lol.

          @Gurl: I agree with you, knowing that this is sort of the last time we've parted the "normal way" so to speak it certainly makes it feel a bit more heavy and difficult. I'm sure once I get over this sadness it'll also feel exciting cause it's another step closer to our goal - even though it seems like it's further away now than we imagined we're not giving up.

          I'll just be here venting whenever things get tough lol.

          It's comforting to know you're all here to listen though ♥


            We certainly ARE here for vent all ya want. I can't even imagine how hard it is to deal with your own emotions as well as your daughters. Big kudos for being an extremely strong woman.


              OH I really get you on this one. The SO will be home for good in about a year. It's so close, but still so far. This last good was different. I usually come home refreshed, ready to push through another 2-4 months and this time I just missed him more than ever before I even got on the plane!! ***HUGS*** Sorry to hear he won't be there as soon, but it all happens for a reason. It will work out!

