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Visa Advice or Aquiring one

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    Visa Advice or Aquiring one

    ok my girlfriend who i met online on phone msn and webcam chat for over 1 year is in oklahoma im in the UK and i dont know what visa to apply for when i first enter the US so i can explain my reasons to the immigration officer or is there a way to meet her or not

    If you are just going to visit you don't need a visa. When they ask your purpose of the trip say you are visiting friends.


      I don't know, my S.O. needs a visa to visit.
      I can ask him for more info. But when are you planning to visit? My S.O. isn't visiting me til January, so he has to wait to apply for his visa.

      First Met Online: October 2010
      First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
      Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
      First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
      Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
      Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
      Engaged!: June 1, 2013
      Picking out wedding dates now!


        UK is under the visa waiver program so you don't need a visa to visit. You can stay for up to 3 months at a time. A visitor visa (B2) will allow you to be in the country for 6 months at a time, if you prefer that. A quick google search will tell you everything you need to know for UK-US travel.


          You also wouldn't need to meet with an immigration officer or anything if you're going in via visa waiver. All you need is to apply for a ESTA online for 14 USD before you leave for the US, and the ESTA is good for 2 years.


            That ESTA thing is stupid. You didn't used to have to do that a couple of years ago, it's just more money and applications you have to fight your way through to get anywhere. Although on the other hand, it may save you being refused entry after having gone to all the trouble of buying flights and arriving there if you get denied prior to that. I don't know, I haven't had to use it yet and won't this time either as my B2 visa is still valid
            Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
            First met: June 13th 2006


              If I recall correctly ESTA is only required for people traveling into the US on the visa waiver program. It's stupid that they're making you pay for it, but the application itself is just a simple 2 page form, it's not that big of an inconvenience. I'm glad for it, I'd rather go through that than have to obtain a visa.

