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Early birthday presents (and taking a "big" step) ...

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    Early birthday presents (and taking a "big" step) ...

    I wanted to post pictures of Andy's and mine early birthday presents (my b-day is in April and his in May) that we wanted to give each other this week since we're not gonna see each other until July ...

    Mine was a beautiful heart-shaped necklace that had our names written on it ... I absolutely loved it (and maybe cried a bit when he gave it to me ) ♥

    I gave Andy the key to my house - key that's covered with footballs since he LOVES footy

    I wanted my gift to be meaningful and now that we're planning to move him in with me I thought he should have his own key ... It's a symbolic gift meaning that I want to share my house, my life and everything I have with him. The key to my heart

    We thought it was also kinda funny cause in a normal relationship giving the key is usually a big step to take but in our case, when he's decided to move to another country and possibly marry me to make things easier for citizenship, giving the key didn't quite seem as the Grand Gesture lol.

    However he seemed to like it

    Very cute gifts with a lot of thought and meaning. Those are the best! Happy Birthday(s)!


      Awww~ yay~! that's so cute. >w<


        Love the gifts! Especially because the heart looks like it has a space for a key to "unlock" it, and you got him a key! They go perfectly together!


          Aw, these are lovely! i bet youre not takin the necklace off now!


            These are very, very cute gifts!! Happy early birthday, guys!


              love it! cute!


                Originally posted by aggie View Post
                Aw, these are lovely! i bet youre not takin the necklace off now!
                Never ever!!!


                  That's so sweet!
                  The necklace is so pretty and the key is so cool! <3
                  "Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue,
                  a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them
                  which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky."
                  - Rainer Maria Rilke

                  "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
                  regardless of time, place, or circumstance.
                  The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
                  - an ancient Chinese belief


                    awwww i like that!!!! very cute, i also made a key for my girl and sent it to her in the mail this morning


                      i love the gifts! its such a good idea! best of luck with him moving over!

