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Should I be worried??

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    Should I be worried??

    Me and my boyfriend broke up 3 months ago. We started talking everyday again, and we both wanna get back together. We arent offical yet, but he comes in Aug. to see me. But he is still on dating sites, should I be worried?? my thing is why are you on dating sites when you wanna get back together with someone.. This my first LDR. I trust him 100% he has never given me a reason or a feeling that i cant trust him.


    Maybe he wants to wait and see what happens first when he comes to see you? Or, if it really bothers you, you should tell him that you don't feel comfortable with him being on dating sites. Especially not because things are slowly starting to build again between the both of you.


      Do you know that he is currently using the dating sites? Maybe it's something he signed up for after you broke up and forgot about. I sign up for things all the time and just simply forget about it. If it bothers you, I'd just ask him about it and tell him that if you're going to get back together, you'd like him to delete is accounts.
      ♥Started talking online around: 10.31.09
      Started getting serious on: 2.14.10
      Met in person for the first time: 10.11.10
      Closed the distance on 7.29.11 ♥


        NaNi- I didnt think that he wants to see hoe things work out for us in person. Hes the one who also brought up wanting to come see me again.

        7hours- Yes I know for a fact that he is currently on them. He is a honest up front guy which is one of the reason why I like him so much. He did tell me that we was on the sites before we started talking everyday again. He has told me that hes wants to be with me. I guess I am just slittle confused, and I over analyze things sometimes and I make them out to be bigger in my head when it really isnt.

        Thanks Ladies!!!

