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Can someone help me, im stressing about my girlfriend

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    Can someone help me, im stressing about my girlfriend

    Hello everyone
    Im in a long distance relationship with a girl from LA (im in australia) and we havent seen each other in 3 months, we usually talk on a daily basis for the 2 hours we are both free, we usually send each other emails in those times back and forth for the 2 hours
    But yesterday she wasnt replaying to my messages (even though i knew she has seen them) and i asked her what was wrong and she replied an hour later with the only message i got for the day, which said "nothing is wrong im just stressed out i love u tho"
    I dont know why she was reading my messages and not responding to them, i would have send like 5 messages in the hour (because i knew she was online and had read my messages but had chose not to reply)
    I do stress a bit with the distance, my girlfriend is usually quite open with me but yesterday that was all she said to me, usually she tells me how much she loves me and that i mean everything to her and whats going on in her life, but yesterday that was all i got
    Should i be worried or not?
    Thanks for your help

    I wouldn't stress about it right now. Her response that one time should reassure you that her feelings haven't changed for you. By the sounds of it she's really stressed right now (school, family issues, work, who knows!) and is probably just focusing on whatever the problem is. I'm sure she'll come back and touch base as soon as she has some free time.


      What do you mean "fosters"?


        ^I think the suggestion of fosters was to encourage you to have a beer and relax. Overseas, fosters is advertised as 'australian for beer', but I don't know anybody who actually likes it :P

        I wouldn't be too worried. I know sometimes my SO is just having an off day or has other things on his mind or going on around him. And it's not that he doesn't want to talk to me, he's just kinda stressed out or overwhelmed with other things and so having to deal with anything else can just be frustrating. Try to relax as the others have said and simply tomorrow, send her a nice e-mail, tell her how you feel but not in a freak out way, hehe.

        All the best.
        Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
        First met: June 13th 2006


          She probably is just stressed out. Don't worry too much about it. Some people prefer to be alone while they sort things out.


            I agree with what everyone else says, just relax. I know when I'm stressed really badly I shut my S.O. off, even though he lives in Wales and we don't get to talk that much. She told you she was stressed, just take that as her answer and breathe. It'll go back to normal once she gets through her stressed time.

            First Met Online: October 2010
            First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
            Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
            First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
            Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
            Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
            Engaged!: June 1, 2013
            Picking out wedding dates now!


              Originally posted by isavelives2
              I stressed myself out, worried myself to death, thought about every horrible thought that I could (was he with someone else, what did I do, is everything ok, you name it).
              i felt the same way when we were starting off. i was stressed whenever he is "off track". but then i came to figure out that what i was doing isn't helpful to me, so i learned to "let go" of my unnecessary thoughts and relaxed. i would just keep on sending him messages that whenever he needs me, he knows where and how to reach me. i also send him love thoughts to reassure him and remind him that someone from the other side of the world is thinking about him, and loving him deeply.

              so dear friend, relax. she may be really really really stressed out. you may want to send her messages that you're always there for if she needs help. =)

