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Here we go again

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    Here we go again

    There are a lot of things that are going again. I've been doing okay for the past couple of months, however, the reality of me moving next week has finally sunk in and now I'm becoming my tearful self again. I'm trying to enjoy the last few days that I have here in the city with my friends and it's just so hard when all I want to do is lie on the couch and cry. To make matters worse, my boyfriend is super busy with school and won't have barely any time to spend with me before I move. This really depresses me I'm already missing all of the good times we had together and I haven't even moved yet. He's also going to be extremely busy for the rest of the summer, which leads me to my next concern...

    He is going to be unable to visit me for the rest of the summer and early fall because of school. I'm going to have to be the one doing the traveling, which is already going to be challenging because my schedule is busy too. It's going to be a huge challenge to make our schedules coincide so that I can visit him at least 2x/month. I have sooooo much pessimism entering this LDR. He's already had issues in the past with LDRs because there weren't enough visits, or so he told me. He's told me that right now school has to be his number 1 priority, and I respect that, but if he knows that this is so going to be so difficult, then why even bother with a relationship?

    I'm so tired of feeling sad

    I'm sorry to hear that you've hit rocky waters in your relationship. I had a similar issue with my own LDR in that I had very little spare time to make visits (because school is and always will be number one on my list) and neither of us had a car. We both decided that since visits were a huge hassle even when they eventually happened, we tried using Skype to stay connected.
    I really recommend Skype if you can use a webcam to see him/talk to him. That will remove the pressure of trying to plan visits and will help with the separation somewhat.
    And as for him not being able to visit you because of school, he should commit to visiting you at LEAST once or twice during the summer. If you are going to expend the effort to make the trip to see him, there should be some reciprocation on his end as well. Especially if you're going to be in a new place away from home. It sounds to me that his LDRs failed because he was dependent on the other person's visits, which is not fair to you since you have a life to tend to outside of the relationship.

    I wish you all the best, and I know that LDRs are really tough. But that's what the forum is here for. Stay positive and talk to him about how you're feeling! If he cares about you, he will listen, and you two will be able to work things out.

