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When things are good, they're often great!

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    When things are good, they're often great!

    Ahh my fella and I have really been testing eachother's patience lately. Sometimes being close-distance is more work than long distance when you have jobs and school and family obligations to juggle. Also, my not having a car is horrid...

    Anywho, I was frrreaking out yesterday about my Basic Skills test for teaching and when I was going to take it, a fight that he and I had over the weekend, not being able to find an apartment blah blah.. He came over and talked me down from my crazy place.. I admitted to him that I was a bit afraid of what was going to happen when we were going to school/living in the same place this fall. It's a big big BIG relationship step, and I might be staying with him and his roommates (we're all good friends) temporarily since I can't find an apartment..

    Anyway, I told him that and I asked him the ever-present question in my mind "What is going to happen with 'us?'"
    And he leaned over and kissed me and told me he loved me so much and that 'we'll be together, you'll finally be in Michigan again, and we'll fall in love with eachother more and more every day."
    Maybe it's the PMS, but cue the mushy feelings and waterworks. It was so unlike him and it just made me feel like the luckiest girl ever

    I had to tell someone about it cause I was brimming over with warm fuzzies ahha

    Hope everyone else is doing well with their SOs, and thank you to everyone who has put up with my not-so-fuzzy posts to provide advice and help when I really was looking for it.

    Happy Tuesday!

    Gosh.... that was lovely of him I think he has great advice!


      awww i love the fuzziness, congrats & good luck

