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    I'm so proud of us! :'D

    I remember before, when we had only been together a couple of months, when the fighting began. It was always silly little things. I could spend a couple weeks just bottling up little things that irritated me, and then just let them all out on him at once. And he woulds respond with "That's how I am, take me or leave me." We could spend days just arguing in circles about the most unimportant of reasons.

    But now we've finally started to grow up and learn how to deal with things better! :3 We have been together for 7 months tomorrow, and it occurred to me last night that we've learned how to quickly and civilly end arguments And we've learned to talk to each other more openly, which helps to reduce the amount of arguments we do have.
    This is my first "serious" relationship, and it's a milestone I'm really proud of :P

    So let's talk about arguments guys! What are your tips for getting through them, and for avoiding them? What are most of your arguments about? And how to you make up after an argument (with the distance in between)?

    "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
    -Miguel De Cervantes

    Read our story HERE

    I will admit I am unabashedly the one in our relationship who will pick fights for small reasons. This was brought to my attention yesterday, actually, ahha. I agree with you that communicating is the strongest tool we have in our relationship, and when communication stops, or is muddled, that is when the problems start.
    As for when we would be upset with eachother over distance (we're Close distance for summer, YAY), that was a true test of patience and communication skills...

    I try very hard to tell him what is wrong when it starts bothering me, before it becomes compounded with other things that are bothering me.
    That's rule number one for arguments in our relationship haha


      I try very hard to tell him what is wrong when it starts bothering me, before it becomes compounded with other things that are bothering me.
      That's rule number one for arguments in our relationship haha
      Yes, I agree! Last night we actually talked about that. He hates it when I use sarcasm or double entendres to say what's on my mind. Apparently I do it a lot, and I don't even realize. We agreed to always tell the other when something bothers us, and also for the other to take it camly, and be willing to talk about it and negotiate.

      "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
      -Miguel De Cervantes

      Read our story HERE


        I can count on one hand the amount of arguments we've had in the past 6 months. I think it's mostly cos we have a bad day, and then takes the others sarcasm a bit too seriously. There was one, I was furious, and upset, and justifiably so.
        He's the one who snaps and says some nasty. I think I tend to play a bit more fair. But he's always the one to appologise, cos I'm stubborn like that, and if I think I deserve an appology, I'll get one.
        Tips for getting through it? play fair. Dont' argue about the little things. If you've slept on it, and still angry about it, then it's worth mentioning.


          I can't say we've really argued we have had small disagreements about subjects but I do that with friends and stuff too! TBH if I do argue I do tend to just go away from it and calm myself down which works for me.
          Everytime I See You, I Get Lost In Your Eyes. When You Hold Me I Get Butterflies. When We're Apart All I Think Of Is You.. <3


            When we get into arguments, it sometimes spins out of control. I'm pretty emotional, he gets angry really easily, and we're both stubborn. We're learning how to just have discussions, instead of them spiraling into heated arguments. It usually starts with a sarcastic comment (which was suppose to be funny, not insulting) then I take it as an insult, then he gets mad that I'm too emotional, then I get emotional because he's mad. I just need to learn how to have tougher skin, and he needs to learn to be a bit more tender. We've realized this and have made awesome progress

            As for tips, I would say what Dr. Wayne Dyer said: "Remember rule number 6"



              Originally posted by DemonxOisin View Post
              So let's talk about arguments guys! What are your tips for getting through them, and for avoiding them? What are most of your arguments about? And how to you make up after an argument (with the distance in between)?
              First major argument with my SO, well, it wasn't really an argument, just we rubbed off onto each other the wrong way. BUT, I had the issue whether to talk to him first or not, since it was my fault, but my plan was to give him space to cool down and recollect. He had the option of talking to me first when he was ready, which he did the next day. Umm, supposedly I'll be the drama starter in our relationship, haha, he's probably! But, I guess just watch what you say to one another, and don't jump to conclusions if you misread a text or something they said. I have a tendency to read Jordan's texts super quick, and sometimes, I read them wrong and think he meant something in a mean way, but silly me just took it the wrong way. Lately, our "differences" are about distance and just making it work, well I bring it up more, and I believe he's just getting irritated with all my questioning, haha, I would too, lol. And making up, the simple "I'm sorry" always does the trick! :] Then us saying we've missed each other work as well. Sorry if mine is super long, haha, I've been on rambling session lately! :]
              BEST FRIENDS SINCE: 10/03/2012
              FIRST MEET: 02/10/2016 to 02/15/2016
              SECOND VISIT: 03/30/2016


                Sorry if mine is super long, haha, I've been on rambling session lately! :]
                Haha it was great, thanks to you, and everyone else who has replied

                "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                -Miguel De Cervantes

                Read our story HERE


                  We talk it out. We both have children at home so screaming, yelling fighting doesn't usually happen because we don't want our kids to be a part of it. This forces us to discuss things more than fight. Of course I still get emotional, so when that happens we will agree to talk later when our kids are in bed or when we're both alone.

