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average cost? Tips help ect.

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    average cost? Tips help ect.

    Im just curious on how much this will cost, those of you who have went to San Francisco maybe can help a little better but any estimates would be appreciated.

    Im going to san fran in 6 days. SO im trying to get a idea how much this will cost. The hotel is payed for so that takes a big chunk out. but gas. (2 hour trip up, 2 hour drive back) Plus food for 2, plus parking. Were staying here from the 13th to the 16th.
    Just some guesstimates would be nice.

    Im starting to wonder if im going to be able to do everything this next few weeks.

    Plus share some of your trip expenses, some tips on saving, just any encouragement or advice lol
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3

    I can't help much because I don't know your petrol (gas) prices and the like over there. But it sometimes helps to just write down the bits and pieces you need and how much they will all be making little lists sometimes help with getting round expenses and stuff. Perhaps cheaper on the bus or train? than driving (as much as it's easier!)
    Everytime I See You, I Get Lost In Your Eyes. When You Hold Me I Get Butterflies. When We're Apart All I Think Of Is You.. <3


      gas is expensive at Costco its the cheapest ive seen at around 3.65 a gallon but its about 4.50 and up every where else.
      I love you Nathan <3
      5/25/09 <3


        Just as expensive as ours then (and here was me thinking passing my test had been a good thing haha).

        Really depends on how much you'll be using the car I suppose if it's just to go there and back you'll probably be alright (well not so bad) price wise but what I'd say is try not to eat out loads as it's a lot more expensive than just buying some food to keep you going.
        Everytime I See You, I Get Lost In Your Eyes. When You Hold Me I Get Butterflies. When We're Apart All I Think Of Is You.. <3


          I think you may be able to get an estimate by finding out how much your car uses: gallons per miles.

          Then find out amount of miles you will be driving and multiply that to gallons. Then you multiply that with price of gas per gallon. I think that might work (but i really suck at math)...

          Any one else??


            I don't know what hotel you are staying at, but some offer complimentary shuttles to major areas of big cities. So, that is something to look into because that would save on the cost of gas and parking. As far as food, it sort of depends on where you will be eating, obviously. Some hotels offer breakfast complimentary, which would take care of that cost, but I don't know if yours does. When we travel we like to stay at places with a complimentary breakfast, we eat a cheaper lunch, and then we go to a nice dinner usually. I would say that we probably spend about $50-60 daily on food when we do this.


              Get the multi-day mass transit pass, definitely (I think the options are 3-day and 7-day, unfortunately, but if the last day is pack up and leave or the first day is arrive and crash for the night, then the 3-day is fine, obviously). It's been a few years since I visited San Francisco and I don't remember many details, sorry. As long as you don't mind walking, there's plenty to be done within range of the subway and trolleys, though, and that saves gas and maybe parking costs (especially if the hotel has free parking for guests). Shoot, even if you do mind walking, there's still plenty to be done. I flew, and the only time I got into a car was the taxi from the airport to the hotel and from the hotel to the airport.

              If the hotel room has dorm-room things like a mini-fridge, a microwave, etc, you can pick up or bring some groceries for eating in the room instead of restaurants.


                Thanks guys. This is my first trip like this were i am trying to be money concious. Usually all the trips ive ever been on have been payed for me ( yes i know how this makes me sound) Im actually going to call in and see if they have a mini fridge and microwave, if so plan to bring tv dinners and such. Were going to do alot of walking. I was just trying to think how much it would maybe cost over all. but guess in the end i just have to wait and see. My Nathan is really just, he's so supportive, lol i feel like a little girl with a man haha i mean he's so responsible and saying he can support me while he's here to not worry about it. Still i feel bad with him paying for all our rooms, he says my share would be 300 (this is 6 weeks at different locations, including disney land) That is so super cheap! But even so that takes alot of my savings, blegh so even thats hard. I want to do everything and go and be with him the whole time but idk if i'll be able to unless he's paying. But i feel so guilty even considering that.
                I love you Nathan <3
                5/25/09 <3


                  I can see how you would feel guilty about it, but your SO says not to worry about it. I am also in the same situation where I am not able to pay as much as mine and I always feel guilty too. Whenever I visit my SO he pays for everything because I can't afford it otherwise. He's happy to pay for it because we have time together and our time together is worth it to him and is priceless to the both of us. I am sure that your SO looks at it in the same way. He has more money to contribute than you and I am sure he'd rather help out more money-wise than have you go broke just to try to prove that you can contribute too. His main objective to come visit is to see you, and since he is coming from so far, he's obviously very committed to you and loves you a lot.


                    There's a website that helps you calculate your gas cost based on your region. It's It will tell you one way and round trip. That will help you set aside a lot of money for your trip, since you are talking about eating at your hotel.
                    I miss you


                      I just relocated to the Bay Area. Gas here is around $4.00-4.50 a gallon. Food is pretty expensive here, and sales tax is high. Anything you can bring with you (personal care products, etc. is a good idea). As has been said before public transit is very accessible, though I warn you it may seem expensive but is cheaper than driving most of the time.

