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can it be real?

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    can it be real?

    so i read on one thread a few days ago about someone saying their relationship feels like a 'fairy tale' or something and it couldnt possibley be real. thats how im feeling right now. to me my girl is just so perfect that it cant be real and ill never really see her. does anyone understand what im saying? i was just looking to see if anyone feels the same and how you dealt with it? anyway thanks for reading

    Why won't you really see her?

    Sometimes it does feel like a fairy tale, that I finally found the man I dreamed about but literally thought I would never find. But I did find him and he actually wants to be with me. However, there is so much of a struggle because of the distance it evens it out.


      yeah it really does i cant believe how lucky i got to have such an amazing woman that i get to spend the rest of my life with!


        I guess since I'm older, I'm going to dissent from the fairy tale feelings. Life is not a fairy tale. Every aspect of my relationship is very, very real and I can not express to you how much I appreciate that.

        How long have the two of you been together? Sometimes, in the newness of it all, I think you can feel it's a bit unreal. However, after a while it fades a bit. Doesn't mean you love them any less, just means that it's "real". But you will appreciate that as well. No one is perfect - no matter how much you wish they were.


          weve been together for 5 months, and i know ill see her at least once. it was just a weird feeling i was having and i was just looking for some reassurance. thanks you guys/girls, starting to feel back to normal


            I think i do feel that sometimes... as this is too good to be true... and its more than once i've seen sweet dreams end in tears.
            But i think its true, the moment i hold his arms again, the moment i am back to his arms... i know its not a dream, its real, and someone out there does missing me, and want me!

            Its hard to keep it real since the empty space they left.. the distance.. but well... try not feel down. Its just temporary.. and i just think anyone who said LDR not real is someone whos jealous hahahaha! (Mostly its the friends who said that!!!)

            But he is there, he is real, and he love me. Same thing for you, he is there, and he love you, thats all matters


              I'm exactly with you on the "fairytale" thing, my boyfriend seems too good to be true and I've thought that alot about him. It only took a few days after meeting him to feel that way seeing how we both looked eye to eye on LOTS and LOTS of things. I'm still pretty young, but I've already got my eyes set on him and only him.

              As for the 'can it be real', it most certainly can! In most everyone's lives they'll find that one person who no matter how far or different they are, they see a genuinely perfect person inside and out and although it may seem like a dream, or may seem too good to be true, you hold onto that person as tightly as you can because their perfect to you in every way and that should never be lost or given up. In my personal opinion, the more 'good to be true' they are, the more their worth fighting for. And even if you feel you 'may never see them', you must believe that you can and make an effort to, if you don't give it the chance you'll never know what it would be like to actually be with that perfect person. You could miss out on the best thing thats ever happened to you, so never lose faith even if its long distance!


                sometimes it do feel like a fairy tale & my relationship is very much "real" ..... It's just sometimes hard to believe that there's actually somebody out there that you could love so much & everything you ever wanted in a person. I've been w/ my SO for almost 4 years, we see each other every 5 - 6 wk's. our relationship is still the same as it was in 07 , nothing has changed for us ^_^


                  Everyone loves the honeymoon stage! It's effortless at first, then you gotta put in a little more work. But it's totally worth it. Who knew I'd find a man who would make me breakfast every morning?


                    Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                    Everyone loves the honeymoon stage! It's effortless at first, then you gotta put in a little more work. But it's totally worth it. Who knew I'd find a man who would make me breakfast every morning?
                    OMG so true!!! i never imagine this in my entire life, woke up, had breakfast done... he even did my laundry first time i arrive, even when i said DON'T! none did those things to me! i am at point where i could say, i will never ever messed up with this one!! (this relationship) only those who love you very much did these things without you ask them to do! (like your parents when you're younger maybe?? they love you no matter what!)


                      thanks everyone for responding, im keeping faith that i will see her


                        Sometimes I get that. Not every day or anything, but Obi deffinantly has his perfect moments. Before we met in person though, it was scary-fairytale-never-going-to-meet type stuff and it's one of the reasons we spent so long not being together. We didn't consider it "real" so we never made it happen.

                        I guess I'm saying that yes you can have a real fairytale - or you can have one that's just a fantasy. And no, it doesn't have to stop being a fairytale once the honeymoon period ends
                        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                          Ah the honeymoon stage! I think Loic and I are out of that now. It doesn't feel as crazy and exciting as it did in the start, but that's not a bad thing, haha. I still have moments where I'm amazed at how lucky I am to have such an incredible person loving me

                          As far as the whole "fairy tale" thing goes, I was recently reading an article about how relationships where the person idealizes their partner have a significantly higher success rate, and people say they're much happier that way. It was some mad study where they looked at a load of couples over a few decades (into their old age!). So I think appreciating how you feel someone is so perfect and incredible isn't a bad thing... I'd say it's less "realistic"... but then, that's kind of the point!!

                          Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                          Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                          Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                            YES. Being with my girl seems so surreal that I can't imagine it actually happening, but in 24 days it will be. CRAZY.

