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What are things to do to pass the time? :( I miss him already

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    What are things to do to pass the time? :( I miss him already

    I'm 17 f from Canada and my SO is 17 m from USA. Well this morning he left for another state for a summer job. I miss him already. We talk everyday (skype) and have been for the past 16 months. We love eachother dearly. We are planning on meeting next summer. Well hes gonna be gone for about 3 weeks. Then he comes back for one week (july 4th week) and then leaves again for all August. We didnt really get to say goodbye like we would have liked, just cause lastnight right in a middle of our conversation, his internet started freaking out and we were unable to talk on skype or talk in general. So hoping that this morning his computer would be fixed so we could say goodbye on cam, but it sadly wasnt. so all we could do was type on skype . It was better than nothing. Im glad i had some contact with him. Its going to be really hard, because we are going to have no contact at all. The longest we have gone without contact is 2 weeks when he was camping. I already miss him, and miss talking to him at night and saying I love you and all those little things. It was our routine and i really liked it. I guess im just wondering if there are any "special techniques" or things to occupy my time so that i dont find myself in tears ? lol. I will have a ton of spare time because im not glued to the computer. So is there people in this situation? How did you deal with it? What is the longest you had to go without contact? How do I try not to miss him soo much? Thank you very much for your advice and time in advance

    sweetie i feel you..we have the same situation,..I do miss my man so much,..I'm such a crying baby too,.crying and crying keep on crying everytime I'm missing him so much...this past few weeks I realized that I need to make myself busy or else I'll get sick or the worse go crazy...thats why as what the other members of this LFAD community give me some advice,,this site helps me a lot,.sometimes I went out and see the sunshine,.and have some walk,,smell some fresh air..and take a deep breath,..then I will smile coz I will think of our happy memories together..or now I look for a job,,to make myself more busier,.coz I cant help but misses my fiance' when I'm alone at home.,,go out and see some friends talk to them,,,coz it will feel good if you can share your feelings,,not to keep your loneliness alone...hope I help even a little,..Good luck!


      Thanks! this helps. Im also on a job hunt. But in ways i dont want a job, just because when he does come back, ill be so busy with school and my job that we will never be able to talk. He has to get a job when he comes bk from his summer one. But i guess you gotta do what you gotta do. I need money for college and for our summer next year when he comes to visit me. Im not gonna lie, i kinda injoy all this free time i have lol. I dont have to worry about being on skype at a certain time or writing him on fb to let him know i wont be on. In ways it good, so that we both can have space and time to ourselves cause we never really do. He sent me a text from his phone and said that he loves me and that he arrived at the camp safely and that he is all set up, but missing one lol. I thought that was so cute! Anyway thanks . Are there any other "things" i can do?


        I know how you feel, I'm Canadian & my SO is from the USA. I miss him terribly :'( but we are usually only apart 5-6 wk's @ a time.... its so hard to find things to occupy your time. I like taking long walks , reading books, exercising, this site is great, going out for lunch's w/ friends......i'll do anything to keep myself busy, esp. shopping, sometimes, i'll go over board with shopping when i'm having a bad day missing him , so lately i try to stay away from that lol ..But having ppl to talk to who knows what your going through helps.


          I'm from Italy, my boyfriend is in the US, and usually we skype like 3 times a day, and text with a special iphone app that uses 3G. When I went on a school trip to Barcelona (Spain) I had no 3G because internet abroad is expensive, so I spent the whole trip searching for wi-fi that didn't have a password for it. I was looking at my iphone all day, all week, and my classmates still give me a hard time for it, but i really wanted to get to even just text my boyfriend an "i love you" when i got the chance.
          Yes, i know, i sound like a creep.
          Aaaanyway, go shopping, or even better, write him letters of what you want to tell him and send them to him, he'll really appreciate it, and you'll get the chance to write lots of things he hasn't heard about because you didn't tell him them on skype. Plus, not seeing him will make you even more romantic and creative

          Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


            Originally posted by chevan14 View Post
            Im also on a job hunt. But in ways i dont want a job, just because when he does come back, ill be so busy with school and my job that we will never be able to talk. He has to get a job when he comes bk from his summer one. B
            Trust me, once you get a job, time will move a lot faster. It's also good because you'll be making money too. I work a full time job during the summer...40 hours a week, 5 days a week. My SO and I are close distance for the summer, after spending 9 months apart while we're in school, so we are trying to spend as much time together while we can and it's do-able. We make plenty of time despite my crazy work schedule...usually we'll get to hang out after work, even though I may be tired. It works, trust me.

            You can also create different things for him. I'm not creative at all, but since I began my LDR, my creativity has blossomed lol. I've painted a glass jar and filled it with Hershey kisses for him, I've created and sent care packages, and I've written letters and poetry for him. Also, maybe you can spend time with friends and family or take up a hobby of some sort.

            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


              I'm in the same boat right now. I kinda feel I will go crazy if I don't keep busy. Lots of Netflix and Hulu. It just stink sometimes when distance bothers me a lot more then him because his lifestyle is different.

              I really do understand. :/
              *It doesn't matter where you are but who you are with*


                Sadly, its the cross we bear being in LDRs. My fiance and I have been doing this for our whole relationship. I have learned that LDRs are not for the feint of heart. I am a operations officer at a Infantry training BN so I keep plenty busy which helps bc he is currently in his mobilization training for his upcoming we talk shortly at night and a few texts during the day. I am not sure how well I will cope with him deploys and possibly not talking to him for days or even weeks and no texting.. At least I will have my job to keep me busy..also planning our wedding!
                " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
                Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

                Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


                  Thank you all for your advice! i really appreciate it! I will try out everything that has been suggested Good luck on all your long distance relationships Its nice to know that i can come here and everyone understands how and what im going through. Friends and family just dont see it the way id like them to, and think im wasting my life away. Family isnt really supportive and i try not to talk about it with my friends because they simply dont understand it when i come to them really upset. Family and friends think im wasting my life away on the computer everyday. I hope thats not true. My SO and me plan to meet next summer, so hopefully everything works out and we prove everyone wrong. I guess in ways i have doubts, just cause my SO and i have never met in person, and seen how we would work out in reality. Just the normal situations of going on dates, going for walks together, hanging with friends and family, going to parties ect, we have yet to experience those and see how we would be together if you understand what i mean lol. But people on here have said that if you get along really well on the computer (skype) you willl get along just fine in person.


                    Something I like to do when I miss my SO too much is video editing with our videos or pictures. Some softwares for video editing that I have used are Pinnacle, Magix, and Adobe Premiere. Another thing that I love to do is planning our next holiday, like surfing the Net for good deals, checking Groupon, finding out new sports to try together, planning what to visit in the city... Last time I found a rafting weekend with camping, dinner & lunch included for 20$ each! We had a great time and it was good for me because I started dreaming about him when he was not there yet. You could plan something for the 4th July week!


                      My SO lives in Canada and i live in the UK and my SO is currently trying to find a job ASWELL as college... so we're not gonna talk much. He is gonna apply for this job which will make him work till about 10pm my time, which means i'll get an hour or two with him to skype... Gonna suck, as it is there are two days a week i only see him for a couple of hours and then at weekends is 'our time' if you get me. But that will soon disappear too! Normally, like today when i hardly see him, i watch anime because its something that interests us both and we do a lot whilst he is here. I also talk to friends and do whatever i can to take my mind off it and make time pass faster. Movies, MSN, Surfing the net, anything


                        Love all your ideas, but the only thing is that we have yet to meet. So we dont have any videos or pictures of us together. And the only time we are able to see eachother is next summer for at least 2 weeks. But ill keep those things in mind. Thanks

                        ALrighty. ill try those things out. Exams are next week and i have graduation comming up, so that will keep me busy

                        Do you guys ever find yourself really sad almost to the point of tears when you see people in public kissing or huging or showing some kind of affection? I dunno but it really hits me hard cause my SO and i have yet to kiss or anything because we havent met yet. But just seeing people in public showing that affection that i really want actualy makes me tear up a bit lol. We will both be waiting for basically 2 years to see eachother in person, that means no physical contact at all its getting harder.

                        Is there anyone in this situation where you havent met for 2 years, was it worth it?
                        Thanks in advance


                          you should open a new post, so more people can read your second qeustion! For me, it's not sad to see other couples kissing in public. I'm happy for them, and I feel my SO closer in those moments. But our story is different from yours: we were not a LDR at the beginning!


                            Originally posted by chevan14 View Post
                            Do you guys ever find yourself really sad almost to the point of tears when you see people in public kissing or huging or showing some kind of affection? I dunno but it really hits me hard cause my SO and i have yet to kiss or anything because we havent met yet. But just seeing people in public showing that affection that i really want actualy makes me tear up a bit lol. We will both be waiting for basically 2 years to see eachother in person, that means no physical contact at all its getting harder.
                            My SO and I had met before he went away to fact, we've been best friends for the past 12 years and had gone to school together since 2nd grade. When he was up at college, it would hurt whenever I was in public and I saw happy couples everywhere and when they showed PDA. Sometimes I'd be on the verge of tears because I knew that would be us if he was home, and it made me miss him even more. Over time, I've learned to try to ignore them because there's no sense in making myself miserable when he's not there.

                            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                              I honestly couldn't do that. I was in Mexico for a week where I get no service on my phone, and I ended up just paying arms and legs to be on the internet and use the phone, because I couldn't stand not talking to him. I have immense respect for you, even if you spend the whole time in tears, because I wouldn't be able to go that long without him
                              If it helps, when my SO can't talk with me, and I have nothing to do and start missing him, I obsessive compulsively work my way through the list of 99 things to do from a distance. It helps me miss him less.

                              "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                              -Miguel De Cervantes

                              Read our story HERE

