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going back to work

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    going back to work

    I have been off work for about 10 weeks. I had foot surgery on both my feet. I have to go back tomorrow. Life is going to suck! The past while off work I have been able to call him whenever I wanted to, and if he couldn't answer he would call me back whenever he could. But now with me working, it isn't going to be like that. I am only going to be able to call him on my breaks and lunch. I know this seems silly, but to me it isn't.

    I am so use to just texting/calling him whenever and now i can't. We do talk at night still, but lately..idk what it is, but we haven't been talking until really late, and so we can't talk that long..i am fearful that i will only be able to talk to him for an hour or so a day. That is very different then 4 hours a day.

    I know it is going to be hard for him also because he has mentioned it several times. Tonight, its all ready almost midnight where he is at, and he is soooo super tired because last night he was up until 3 am talking to me, and had a really long day at work. He left at 7am and just got home at 11:30 pm. I know when/if he calls we can only be on the phone for a little bit...and i feel like its our last night to talk as much as we want.

    Stupid work...always ruining everything! I need to be greatful for the time I do get with him. I know he loves me, even if we don't get to talk often. Soon...the distance will be over and he will be coming home to my arms, and not to my ear.
    Last edited by agentholli; March 29, 2010, 11:23 PM.

    Well I'm really happy for you, that pretty soon the distance will be over. I guess you'll just have to kinda be patient for now and focus on your work. Time will fly Work is essential after all. But I still know where you're coming from. But I must say you're quite lucky that you get to talk to him everyday!! It's kinda like having the person by your side. I get to chat (on messenger) with my SO on an average of twice a week. Constraints are naturally our studies and all. We also live oceans apart..... so wonder when we'll meet next. But we're really happy.
    Btw, glad you recovered from your foot surgery!


      i should mention that "soon" doesn't really mean soon. lol. I just say soon because it makes me feel better about how long I have to wait It will hopefully be summertime that he will move to where I am.

      Thanks for your kind words!


        Of course not being able to call him whenever you want may be hard, but ... since you start working thats gonna keep your mind on it for a little bit, and keep you busy too.
        You're gonna be fine! There is just things we all have to do before coming CDR with our SO's.
        Stay strong. Think positive.
        And have fun working! ;D



          Yeah, and think of the fact that you will probably save more money that way! So you can do lots of fun things when you're finally together. I know summer seems far away, but it's already spring now (I guess it is where you are, too), so the months will really go fast, especially with you working and with nicer weather!

          I know how you feel... I already now worry about my last few weeks in the US (after the semester is over) that I will be spending travelling. I'm used to having internet access everyday and talking to my hb and family daily, so going back to phone cards will be so annoying and expensive. And, of course, I only get like 10 mins a day instead of an hour or more.


            Its been a tough go maybe not so bad. But I miss talking to him during the day, but we still do try our best. Oh well, such is life...ya gotta work to survive.


              Good Work!


                My bf and i got together during the summer, so we talked for hours a day, one day we even spent 11 hours on skype! then school started and we had to get used not talking nearly as often, especially since we're 5 hours apart, he'd get up and leave for school when i was sleeping, and i would come home late when he was already in bed. it was AWFUL getting used to it, but now its the normal thing to do. you get used to it quickly and you have an even better time when you're talking. we also send lots of emails to each other during the day, just short ones to let each other know that we're thinking about them.


                  I am glad to hear that it gets easier. I still really dont like Then again, maybe I am a bit needy Yeah we do text sometimes during the day if I sneak to the bathroom or something also. That does help, like your emails do.


                    I know how you feel! I've been layed-off for 9 months cause of the recession and just went back to work this week (finally!) but it also sucks because Andy is going to be SUPER busy with Uni and I'm gonna work all day plus I always have lots of things to do around the house when I get back homr (heating up with firewood, taking care of my horses and dogs, cooking, cleaning, helping my daughter with homework etc) so my free time now is basically nonexistent and by the time Andy gets home from Uni it's usually around 9pm my time so I'm already really tired and wanna get to bed soon ...

                    We do text each other everyday. It's only gonna be like this for about 3 months though and then he finishes his studies and hopefully comes here so I'll just try to keep that in mind lol. Although doing loads of things everyday does make the time pass quicker!


                      awwww *huggles* all you gotta do is leave him little offline messages, including racey ones. That will make him have a better day trust me lol, Its diffacult for me and my girl because our time zones are different because shes like 5 hours ahead of me, but we work it out and so will you guys

