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Wow my mother!

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    Wow my mother!

    So me and my mom got into yet another fight about my BF well more of it i was crying because they don't approve of my relationship with him. I told my mom that i felt alone cause not only does she not approve but no one in my family really wants me with him and my dad and sister wont talk to me about it. My dad acts like my relationship doesn't exist, and my sister thinks he's arrogant and not nice. So i just got off the phone with my mom and she told me i was acting crazy because I told her she was treating me different its hard to explain but she just does, and i just feel alone in my house. I finally told my mom that I would rather live in a box then live under there house hold (she didn't take that well) so i mean idk what to do I will not loose my BF and i don't want to ultimately come done to me having to choose between the guy i'm in love with and my family.

    I guess I need to know a little bit more before giving advice. Has your family met him? If so, how was that? Talking about something this important over the phone with your Mother probably isn't the best way to go about it. I would definitely ask if you could sit down and talk about it.
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      Yes he has met my family, umm they didnt really like him they Dont think he's good enough for me i suppose because we want to different things outta life or so they say i'm in college majoring in pre-med/dental and he works for the government been there since he was 19 has a year of college under his belt in computer science. they also feel that he's not handsome enough for me, and that he acts weird, and nerd the things that attracted me to him are the same things my parents despise i guess you could say. My sister also doesn't like the way he talks to me she says he's mean but honestly he freaked out because of his brand new Hat i thought it was funny and once we got alone i told him he needed to chill and quite being a A** that he wasnt gonna make a good impression on my family by acting so stupid and he apologized and we moved on. My mom wont talk any other way but over the phone because she wont hang up on me that way if were face to face she just shuts down or leaves the room. Ive tried to have a convo with her about this but it always end in her telling me i'm acting crazy or she doesnt see what i'm talking about. I do not think i'm crazy because i want them to like and accept him am I


        In Asia, there's say when you marry a girl, you will marry the whole family. Need all people to accept your guy in the family, its very important! but i never know its just that same thing in western. Like you can not date without your family permission, your sister/bro, and parents even grandma maybe?

        I thought it will be introduce him, and thats all. As long as he is proved going to cause you huge trouble like get you to jail because drugs or kidnapping ... well... why it should be wrong?

        Well from what you wrote here i dont think there is nothing wrong from him, he made you laugh with his "antique" manners. He made you laugh and being happy and be your self and dont want to change anything (good things) from you... so.. i think they don't like him because they don't know him that much yet.

        Pretty boy not amuse me at all.... sometimes they mean, and heartless. Common guys nicer, at least he wont comb his hair 5 times per day or look at mirror more often than you did! Looks wont guarantee his manners!! thats for sure!

        I love a nerd my self, my GEEKY bf always carry his Dell with him, he talk to his GPS yes, i am his 2nd after his gadgets, but i love him because lots of things. He speak 5 different languages, and now know bit Indonesian, he is a weirdo--too smart and freak people at my house for sure if he come (soon).

        Just let it low, don't push them to like your bf, it will took sometimes for them to see who he really is. If they see he could made you laugh and be happy.... well maybe they will change their opinion and attitude towards him.


          Unfortunately nobody really takes my relationship seriously at all let alone talk about it. If my parents say anything at all, it's "ya still talking to that guy?" ... or "if you dont see him soon you gonna still stay with him." It gets really annoying and it kind of stresses me out


            Sometimes the people that love you most are right... At least with my parents and family, they don't like guys that don't treat me how I should be treated... try to remember they love you!



              Sounds like hell. All I can do is frown in sympathy because you sound like what would have happened to me if I had continued to fight for recognition for my relationship after my parents initially found out and strictly forbade it. The only difference being that I don't have siblings, but if I had, they probably would just be as disapproving as your sis.

              I think you have just a few options here:
              1. Continue giving it time, do not succumb to your parents' opinions, and keep trying to prove them wrong about your guy if you truly believe that they are wrong. It sometimes takes a LONG LONG time for such a thing to work. I know of people who dated in their early 20s against supreme parental disapproval, and it was only after almost a decade and the parents' grandkids being born that the parents came around about the spouse.

              2. Truly consider what your family has to say against your SO, and try to ease their fears, or work towards changing what they say is wrong about the relationship, if what they say indeed has truth. This might be hard when you're in love and don't think there is much wrong, but what they say always has truth(going from personal experience from when my parents and I argued about my SO).

