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seeing couples showing affection, why does it hurt so much?

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    seeing couples showing affection, why does it hurt so much?

    Do you guys ever find yourself really sad almost to the point of tears when you see people in public kissing or huging or showing some kind of affection? I dunno but it really hits me hard cause my SO and i have yet to kiss or anything because we havent met yet. But just seeing people in public showing that affection that i really want actualy makes me tear up a bit lol. We will both be waiting for basically 2 years to see eachother in person, that means no physical contact at all its getting harder.

    Is there anyone in this situation where you havent met for 2 years, was it worth it?
    Thanks in advance

    I've met my boyfriend, but not since we started an LDR, so no physical contact past hugs has been had. It's been 6 months since I saw him last, and everytime I couples at work or when i'm out that are being all snuggly and gross, it makes me want to punch them in the face or poor a hot drink over them.
    Overreaction? definitely. But it's very hard not knowing when you'll next see them, and other couples just sorta rub salt in the wounds, especially when my friend said "i've not seen my boyfriend in two weeks! it's so HARD"....yeh, bite me.


      I haven't seen my SO in 9 months and honestly when I see people hugging and kissing in public it feels like someone is ripping my heart out of my chest. I try my best to act normal but it is getting harder and harder to try not to explode on people, it's not their fault, I hafta remember that if my SO was here we'd probably be doing the same thing so I just have to live with it and power through the emotion. The only thing that actually does make me overly frustrated is when people complain about not seeing their bf/gf for a couple of days, that pushes me over the edge.

      Met: 8.17.09
      Started Dating: 8.20.09
      First Met: 10.2.10
      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


        Being the aggressive girl I am,

        I once punched a guy in the stomach when he complained that his girlfriend was too busy to see him.


          Well, not two years, but my boyfriend and I did have to wait 1 year and 1 month before we were able to meet in person. It got really tough, especially when it felt like everyone else on the board or just my friends had it so easy to be with their partner (obviously not the case for everyone in a LDR but jealousy can make some crazy thoughts pop into your head!), but in the end, I can definitely say it was worth it Do you two have any way of seeing each other before, such on a webcam or by taking photos? That might help the 2 year wait, as well as talking on the phone and hearing each other's voices. But I do get what you mean about that aching feeling when you see other couples, and I simply try my best to ignore it. This couple isn't out to make me feel like crap and miss my boyfriend, they're just happy being together and you can't blame them for that. So instead try and see it as a motivation, imagine all the sweet, cute things once you and your partner are together!


            Originally posted by meg View Post
            I've met my boyfriend, but not since we started an LDR, so no physical contact past hugs has been had. It's been 6 months since I saw him last, and everytime I couples at work or when i'm out that are being all snuggly and gross, it makes me want to punch them in the face or poor a hot drink over them.
            Overreaction? definitely. But it's very hard not knowing when you'll next see them, and other couples just sorta rub salt in the wounds, especially when my friend said "i've not seen my boyfriend in two weeks! it's so HARD"....yeh, bite me.
            look, it is hard. ive already spent 6 months without seeing my boyfriend, in 2 different ocasions, and more times when it was just a couple of months at a time. we closed the distance and live together, so when he travelled in may to spend 2 weeks away visiting family, it was really hard for me, because i am used to sleep by his side everyday, see him everyday. ive been on both ends of that. sure, seeing other couples when the person you love is not by your side isnt the most pleasent thing. yes, i do get jealous of how lucky they are being in that moment, but the thing is, to know how it is to be without your so, and when you are with him, never forget how lucky you are to be by his side, and that someone out there will see you and your so, and hopefuly wont want to punch you guys in the face, LOL
            our story.


            02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

            "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


              Yep, we all feel that way sometimes, and it doesn't get any better after you meet; before you meet you can only imagine what you're missing, afterwards you know for sure. It's one of the disadvantages of getting involved in an LDR, you've got to be really strong to get through it. As for waiting 2 years being worth it or not, I don't know, it depends on you, your SO, and your relationship. I met mine after 7 months, which to me, was already too long of a wait. I wouldn't wait two years, but then again, I'm older and have the means to travel.
              Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                By the time I meet my S.O. we will have known each other a year, although only technically "together" for 7 months.

                And yeah, it is hard. I went to a family reunion today, and all of the couples were all snuggly and although they were family, I still wanted to hit them.

                First Met Online: October 2010
                First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
                Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
                First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
                Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
                Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
                Engaged!: June 1, 2013
                Picking out wedding dates now!


                  Already in 10 months relationship but will not meet each other till we both are ready in financial term which mean we would be able to meet around 2012 or even 2013. Though I do hope that we would meet faster than that, hoping for a miracle to happen.

                  But I have to say that not being able to be with my SO physically is so hard. Really.. Though I haven't met him for real but I know that he's the one for me. I wish he also thinks in the same way with me. ^^

