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need opinions, am i being silly?

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    need opinions, am i being silly?

    hi everyone, some advice for a newbie is wanted! haha.

    well i have been with my boyfriend for 11 months next month. we are in a LDR relationship. we met last august when he came over to stay with a friend & we fell in love. we are in different countries. we're pretty much head over heels for each other and we keep in contact by talking on BBM and stuff. he stayed last year, a little visit in september, then stayed mid october--february this year. then he came back for another week in february

    but we've had a few months apart, as we are both in college. we've been completely fine about it and dealt with it well, having the odd skype session etc, but usually just chatting on bbm. i have the odd grumpy moment each month when i'm "on"! but apart from that, no worries. although recently i have started to miss him even more, (i've obviously missed him loads anyway, but you know what i mean?)

    i'm 18 and he is 20.

    well when he comes back he is staying july-feb next year. he is more social than i am with his friends and likes to spend a lot of time with them, i do too but not at the same extent. yesterday i had not heard from him all day so i got a little worried, and he emailed me this (i've left some out) -

    "i have turned my blackberry internet off because i want to have a chance to miss you darling. Of course, i miss you too now but yeah. i had a conversation with my sister about relationships and stuff and it just made me think a little."

    have i been too attached/talkative? i replied with "yeah okay thats fine, as long as we can still talk a little of course :P" i am so head over heels for him i'd do anything for him, i love him so much. this is both our longest and most serious relationship. i got a bit upset afterwards cos i was a bit worried, but what should i make of it? we always have nice chats on bbm/msn/emails every day, always put lots of kisses to each other and things, say i love you a few times a day.

    am i overreacting by getting a little upset/worried??

    thank you,

    This is interesting. I feel like he does something. There are times where someone will say something to me and I just need a break where I can gather my thoughts and get my head in the right place for the day.

    For me, it's not a reflection of my boyfriend at all. It's a reflection of my need for independence, and to be honest, I always come back realizing how much I missed him, how much I care about him, and knowing how much I need him in my life.

    Luckily for me, I get one day a week where we don't talk as often as we normally do. He goes and plays board games with his family all night and that's usually the time I take to myself, just relaxing, thinking about our relationship and missing him.

    While I understand how this would upset you, I would say try taking it in stride. Some of us, every now and then need a day away from our SO to figure out where our hearts and head are at and making sure it's all in line. (Plus, sometimes when I'm really depressed or moody I try to spare him by saying 'lets just take the day to ourselves.' This upsets him though and he always spends the whole day cheering me up.


      I think if you guys usually talk a lot he just needs some space. I had days when I didn't wanna talk to my SO and he didn't wanna talk to me and the next time we did it felt nicer cause we had some time to miss each other more and we had more to tell each other about each other's days.

      I wouldn't read too much into it, he pprobably meant what he said; that he wants to miss you more. Guys aren't very cryptic usually so try not to worry

