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Any Ideas???

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    Any Ideas???

    I've been home for a month, but I'm more unhappy than I was when I was away at school. This is stupid because I get to see my SO every weekend instead of once a month. But I feel worse because he's so close, but I still can't spend time with him and he can't text or email me much due to his summer classes and work.

    I realized a possible source for my unhappiness is, I let myself get too wrapped up in him. That is to say, he's my world. I need to "get a life" outside of him, but we have a lot of the same friends and it feels weird to leave him out, especially when I know he can't come due to his schedule.

    Is there anything I can do? Any ideas for how to "get a life"? and that "other life", how do I leave him out of it when I need to, instead of thinking of him every 5 seconds?

    Thankyou for your help! I really really appreciate all of it!

    These kinda of things take time so I don't think there's really any one single thing you can do to suddenly make yourself feel better, but don't stress since I think we all feel this from time to time and know that it is possible regain some of your independence Do you have any hobbies that he may not be interested in? Or are there things out there you've always wanted to try or look more into but haven't had the time to? This may be the perfect time to start something entirely new, but do it without him. This is perfectly healthy and not shunning him away since it gives you a chance to spend some time with yourself, learn something new and become involved in something you enjoy. You don't even have to start this new interest with any of your friends either if you feel they will only remind you of your SO. It's okay to do things by yourself, either entirely alone or you may make some new friends! Yes, you'll still think of him, but remind yourself of the next time you get to see him and that by sitting around wishing he were there you're wasting the time that could be better use by involving yourself in new things

