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What do you do when...?

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    What do you do when...?

    Your SO is out all night and the feeling of missing them is huge?
    I don't care if he goes out. We both go out - thats not the issue.

    But I really really miss him, I just feel like crying and I know that's pathetic...I guess its just one of those uber-emotional days - How do you guys normally deal with it? When your SO isn't about to talk to?

    I'm not much help. I usually just cry. Listening to music also helps sometimes. Or send him emails? So that he can read them once he gets back.


      I tend not to listen to music - music just evokes worse emotion I find...
      Thanks anyways I might go out and pig out on fast food or something...keep my mind off of it...


        I find trying to keep myself busy helps loads, My SO recently went away to a gig and i missed him terribly, the first day i worked overtime (extra money as well as keeping busy, big bonus!!) and on the second day i had a marathon dvd day where i watched a whole season of criminal minds and had plenty of food to pick at (not great for dieters lol) But i just generally stay busy, but i still have stray moments where i just cant function ill cry a little and look at his pictures. Hope you feel better soon


          I tend to do DVD marathons too, or use the time to indulge in a hobby, or read a book. It is definately difficult when they are out and you miss them Big hugs


            Keeping busy is what helps for me. Working or hanging with friends.


              Either listening to music or reading(but both generally fail,lol, 'cause music stirs my emotions and I can't focus on the book which I'm reading). So then the ultimate solution is to watch a TV series or call my childhood friend and hang out in the nearby park.


                Yeah...All good advice...thank you guys

                I suppose I sometimes miss him less because we're very stable and happy, and we've been together for more than a year now...


                  I did the distraction thing too. And then I'd try to get so involved that I wasn't around when my SO came back from whatever, because that made me feel less needy lol. :P


                    I try to stay distracted, we rarely go to sleep without saying good night to one other, except one night a week I know he doesn't come home until super late - so that night I just watch stupid television, read a book and call it an early night.

                    The rest of the time I just keep myself occupied until I know it's about time for him to come home. Sometimes I lay in bed and look at his picture and snuggle up with my covers pretending it's him (this usually leads to nap time), other times I just watch a movie or whatever.

                    I have nights where I really wish he were home to talk to me and make me feel less lonely but I know he'll be home, and I'll be waiting so I never get too despondent.


                      I'm dealing with this right now. He's at his friend's house indefinitely. He said he'd try to be back not-too-late so we could skype but I want to talk to him so badly right now... I wish at least he'd given me a rough estimate on when he'd be home, but he said he doesn't know. Soooo I'm trying to keep myself from texting him every 5 minutes and attempting to exercise my patience. XD

