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Need help/advice!

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    Need help/advice!

    Hey guys!!!

    I've got plenty of time to worry about this later, but I'm a girl that likes to pre-plan everything! So! I'm going to meet my LD boyfriend for the FIRST time probably around October or November (he wasn't specific, he just said most likely 'late fall') Assuming this works out and he's able to drive here and meet me, I'd like to know if any of you could help me decide what to do when he gets here!

    I live in Sacramento, California...and oddly enough, I'm totally clueless on what me and him can do when he gets here. Most likely we'll only have 2 days or so I want to do something exciting and fun! What do you guys think we can do here? Or around here at least? (Can't be Disneyland sadly lol. :P)

    I know I could probably just search it up for myself, but I think getting your opinions (from personal experience with your own LDR's) will be much more insightful, I'd especially appreciate those of you who met your SO online (and had to meet in person) to offer your opinions! Just cause i'm in that situation. (haven't even met him in real life. :/)

    So yeah! Any valuable advice on meeting spots here in CA, how I should act when I meet him for the first time, or even what you recommend I should wear would help me out ALOT. XD (i'm pretty nervous about it...)

    Thanks everyone! <3

    Rane and I met online, and for our first meeting, our first couple days were spent just spending time home together. The basic things, eating together, holding hands or cuddling up to watch tv, that sort of thing. Later on we did more touristy stuff, and after the fact we both regretted it, and wished that we had stuck with things taking it easy. I realize that is the exactly opposite of what you asked for though, lol. Just sharing our experience.
    I freaked out about what to wear... it was summer but I put on jeans and a flattering sweater. Dressing up too much would have seemed artificial. I wanted him to get to know the real me, you know? In my case, that meant no dress or fancy makeup.
    Anyways, best of luck with your meeting, and I'm sorry I couldn't have been more helpful. I'm sure your time together will be amazing no matter what you do.


      I don't know what's in CA at all, but the first time I visited my boyfriend we spent 3 weeks together. Other than going to the zoo the same day I landed and our anniversary, none of the other days were specifically planned out. A lot of my fondest memories were of doing "normal couple" things together. Watching a movie at home, grocery shopping and a lot of cuddling.

      I'm sure you'll have a great time with your SO and that the first visit will be special no matter what. (:


        Ah! Sacramento! Why don't you take him to Old Sacramento? I love it there, with all the weird little shops and I think there's a few restaurants and everything all nostalgic and cute, and if you get bored you can walk over to the mall that's right nearby and go hang out there If not would be up for driving to either San Francisco or Monterey Bay and going to the aquarium or Fisherman's Wharf and walking around all those neat areas. Of course all those suggestions really touristy so maybe that's not really your style, but at the very least I suggest looking up a few restaurants that are nearby you since I've discovered there's nothing more annoying than wanting to go out to eat and realizing you both have no idea what's around/open and getting cranky cause you're both hungry.


          @garnet and 13000km - I actually would love to stay at home with my SO and just share in intimate and fun stuff but I feel it may be a tad akward simply because my family will be around (I'm in high school still), I'm not very open with my family about relationships and I've never brought a guy home before so it would be very uncomfortable for me to cuddle and be affectionate with my SO with them around. So that's why I was thinking going out could get me to open up without restraint with him. Plus, I haven't told my parents officially that I was with him. (I'm so shy about it so its hard...) I'm hoping when he visits we can tell them together because he'll give me the confidence i need to say it to them. Anyway! I'm planning on us saying were "going to go out on a date" and we'll go out somewhere together.

          Originally posted by Rosebud View Post
          Ah! Sacramento! Why don't you take him to Old Sacramento? I love it there, with all the weird little shops and I think there's a few restaurants and everything all nostalgic and cute, and if you get bored you can walk over to the mall that's right nearby and go hang out there If not would be up for driving to either San Francisco or Monterey Bay and going to the aquarium or Fisherman's Wharf and walking around all those neat areas. Of course all those suggestions really touristy so maybe that's not really your style, but at the very least I suggest looking up a few restaurants that are nearby you since I've discovered there's nothing more annoying than wanting to go out to eat and realizing you both have no idea what's around/open and getting cranky cause you're both hungry.
          I was actually considering Old Sac because I rather love it there too! It's very cute considering how it keeps to the "old days" while having cool fun shops like Evangeline's costume mansion and I absolutely love the Crepe place they have there! So thats a big possibility. Yes! San Fran also came to mind, Six Flags and Monterey Bay to be exact! But i'm a tad afraid my SO won't be used to it, he's coming from a more country area, and if he has to drive me and him all throughout San Fran I'm afraid he might end up crashing into a building and asking if it's the parking lot. lol. I'll be sure to look up some resteraunts around there in case we go, I think probably the only one I know of down there is Bubba Gump. xD

