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So, he seems not to feel the same way. At a loss of what to do.

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    I'm glad he was finally upfront and honest with you though I know this must have been heartbreaking to read.

    Personally, I don't think you ever stop loving someone. At some point, you acknowledge that, that person is not right for you and you no longer want to be with that person, but you never stop loving them. It sounds like he isn't ready to acknowledge that she isn't right for him. He hasn't let go of her. How long will it take for him to let go? Who can say. There are some people who let one person ruin them for anyone else.

    I wouldn't wait on him. He's in so deep with his ex and it wouldn't be fair to you. I'm not even sure if being friends is a good idea, but if you aren't ready to let him go I don't see any reason the two of you couldn't be friends. Just remind yourself that that's all you are and take time to yourself to heal.


      Originally posted by Crimson_Petal View Post
      I can't really be angry at him for still being hung up over his ex, that was me 6 months ago. Though now, I'm confused about what I should do. I don't like the idea of completely eradicating him from my life, but I don't know if it's fair to me to go back to being friends when I now have such strong feelings for him. I know that there have been people on the forum who've fallen for their SO and not had the feelings reciprocated and it is only a matter of time till he gets over his ex, but I've done that waiting game (with my ex) and it nearly killed me. I AM CONFUSED.
      I think it depends on how much you want to go through? Can you imagine simply being friends with him right now? Probably not. It would hurt a lot. Knowing that he's still in love with his ex, him mentioning her to you. I know that I wouldn't be able to do it. But if you can... who's to tell you that you should give him up? Maybe is feelings will indeed fade with time and there's a chance for the two of you.


        I dont want to keep comparing your situation with mine recently, but dear, I just did this on Friday, and I felt sick to my stomach all weekend, however I can't take it back. My friends tell me I made the right choice, however my heart feels like it just got ripped out. I saw mine come online and my heart dropped, because he didn't say a word to me. Again I'm going to say to keep your head up, clear your mind as much as possible and appreciate what you've gained from this relationship (even if you don't know what it is now).

        Here's my quote I posted on my facebook "‎"I would rather die tomorrow than live a 100yrs without knowing you, even for just a moment""

        Originally posted by Crimson_Petal View Post
        His ex, as far as I know has not contacted him in 7 months. It's been three weeks. He was meant to talk to me online today, and didn't show up. Or rather, avoided me. He was online, I know because one of my friend's told me he was, but he made himself appear offline...I was banging my head against the wall.
        I think I made a mistake though. I was really upset, I'd had too much of prodding gently to get him to set a date and time to talk to me, if he was only going to avoid me and I sent him an email saying that I'd had enough of being treated like this, he's obviously still in love with his ex (although I might have gone too far with that one as it's only speculative) and that it was time to bail out with what little dignity I have left. And then I said goodbye. And now I don't think he's ever going to talk to me again and I've felt sick to my stomach all day and there's nothing I can do about it. Everyone's said that what I said was totally reasonable and I wasn't rude or petulant but I do have this fear he's just going to be like ok, I'll not talk to you again and on second and third/fourth thoughts that's completely not what I want.

