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are men feels the same loneliness as we girls? an LDR

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    thanks guys...I love my SO no matter what,,,i really misses him so much


      Don't take it too personally when he does something else instead of chatting to you. I think with relationships, we start to expect too much of the other person and then we feel let down when they don't meet our expectations. The easiest way is to just not expect anything. Just be there for him, and do what you normally do. That way when he is feeling extra lovey, it will be a nice surprise.

      My partner used to be like this.. he still kind of is. But I am guilty of it too. We both go out to parties/clubs with friends, while the other is at home (time difference). It can feel one is purposely doing it to spite their partner, but that's not it at all. It's not something we do often, its just to hang out with friends and socialise.

      Men do find it difficult to express their emotions sometimes. My partner used to be like this (partially because he feared falling in love).. but as we have grown closer, he has become more open and let go of those fears which were weighing him down. He is actually REALLY emotionally in tune with himself, which is great. But yeah, don't worry too much. I'm sure he's not doing it to hurt you. If you do feel hurt by his actions though, you need to let him know. Men don't pick up on these things (even though we wish they would!)


        thanks...i understand...

