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Have you ever been sick when you're with your SO? Or the other way around?

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    Have you ever been sick when you're with your SO? Or the other way around?

    Hey everyone!

    Let's face it, anyone can get sick anytime and it can be so annoying when you really can't be bothered to get sick.

    When my SO was visiting me last year, he arrived right at time when I was sick. I was having digestive problems that I pretty much lost my appetite, food tasted bland and my stomach often got upset and rumbled. While I was waiting for him at the airport I felt so unwell and started to feel nauseous. When we arrived at the hotel I had to go to the loo to throw up.

    For the following days my SO stood by me and he always waited patiently until I finished my meal. He kept giving me support to eat and he accompanied me twice to the doctor. I remember one afternoon I was so upset bcoz I had nothing to eat (the doc didn't allow me to eat certain food till I got well), but then he asked me what I had in the kitchen. And there he was, collecting some ingredients and he started cooking lunch for both of us! It was such a simple meal but it tasted good and fulfilling. So sweet of him!

    What about you? Have you ever been sick when you're with your SO? Or maybe it's your SO who was sick? What did you/your SO do?

    I was sick for 3 weeks, out of the 4 weeks my SO was here the last time.
    First I got a virus he had a few days earlier which made me throw up all day, then a few days later I got a really bad cold (couldn't sleep because of coughing, I lost my hearing on my left ear, got infection in both of my eyes and etc.)

    Since my SO often cooks and cleans our apartment, it didn't change much. Then he bought me medicine, stayed up with me if I couldn't sleep, and such things.

    Hope I can get 4 weeks in Tokyo with him without any illness. I deserve it. XD


      I don't think I've ever had anything besides a cold, but one time I slipped on the ice and hurt myself quite a bit. During the same visit I also slipped after getting out of the shower and slammed my ankle against the sharp end of a cupboard. My SO was always there for me, holding me. Making me feel loved.


        I have a lot of chronic conditions that make me sick quite a bit. My stomach is very sensitive and so the slightest things can really upset it and often make me vomit. My SO always stands by me holding me and hugging me and kissing me no matter how disgusting I get. I get sick a lot, and I've been sick with him for many of our visits. He's a great sport about it.


          Well, not when I was with my SO CD, but the first time he came here to visit me, I had a terrible flare-up of my ulcerative colitis. It got suddenly way worse when we were out for lunch one day, we had this amazing Indian food buffet, and as I was coming back to sit down from getting more food, I suddenly felt nauseated and horrible stomach pain. I guess I went rather pale, as when I sat down in front of Loic, he was instantly like, "Oh my god, what's wrong??" I had the exact same thing happen from then on whenever I'd eat, lasted for about two months after he left.

          And then when I was visiting him in March, I was inexplicably nauseated and overheated for about 2 hours in the evening for the first 3-4 days. And then once that stopped, I had a chest infection and strep throat, hahaha. I'm not the healthiest of people!!

          Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

          Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
          Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


            Do hangovers count?
            When we were still CD I once had to spend an entire Sunday at his place, because I couldn't leave the bed until 6pm.
            I was supposed to go back to mine before noon, but I got really sick every time I tried to get up. It was rather embarrassing and I felt like such a burden to him. We had only been dating for a few (3?) weeks and I really didn't want to overstay my welcome at his place.
            His mum was so cute, though. She came in like every few hours to ask me if I already felt like eating something and when I finally said yes she made me dinner.
            Apart from that I had the occasional dry-air migraine in winter, but nothing serious.

            I don't get sick a lot.

            ---------- Post added at 06:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 PM ----------

            Do hangovers count?
            When we were still CD I once had to spend an entire Sunday at his place, because I couldn't leave the bed until 6pm.
            I was supposed to go back to mine before noon, but I got really sick every time I tried to get up. It was rather embarrassing and I felt like such a burden to him. We had only been dating for a few (3?) weeks and I really didn't want to overstay my welcome at his place.
            His mum was so cute, though. She came in like every few hours to ask me if I already felt like eating something and when I finally said yes she made me dinner.
            Apart from that I had the occasional dry-air migraine in winter, but nothing serious.

            I don't get sick a lot.

            Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


              Wow so many experiences! Getting sick is annoying, even if it's just a fever or a cold. But good to know that we have such caring and loving Sos. What would we do without them?
              Oh yes, this doesn't only cover illness. It can be accident and hangover too. Anything when our physical condition is not at its best.


                When he still lived in town, I was really sick and he showed up at the door with orange juice and soup for me. I thought that was pretty sweet.


                  When I last saw my boyfriend, I slammed my head on a shelf and gave myself a concussion I was pale, ill, and had a massive scratch down my face, but didn't realise it was a concussion till I got home and went to the Hospital. Bless him, he was so worried. Unfortunately turned into an awkward conversation when the nurses needed me to ask him if I might have been date raped by him or any of his friends.


                    Well, these two instances occurred recently. We're close distance, so it's not like he was coming home for only a week or two.

                    1.) My blood sugar dropped really low when I was home alone, and I got really scared because I've almost passed out from low blood sugar in the past. My SO came over and stayed by my side for 6 hours until someone came home. He was so sweet, reassuring me I'd be okay, giving me glucose tablets and pretzels and cuddling with me.

                    2.) When I get nervous, my stomach gets really messed up and I tend to make myself sick. On the morning of my dad's wedding, I knew I had to make a toast at the wedding and still had nothing to say. I worked myself up over it, and as soon as I woke up, I ran out of bed to the bathroom and got sick. I came back to bed and my SO sat up and I told him what happened. He put his arm around me and rubbed my back, telling me I'd be fine.

                    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                      Pixie: It sounds sweet indeed! I suppose you didn't expect that he would come? I was hospitalised once and my SO was in his country, and he said on the phone that he wished he could come and make chicken cream soup for me. Too bad it didn't happen.

                      meg: I found the date rape thing a bit funny did your SO answer the nurse's questions? The concussion does sound painful...ouch!

                      loveknowsnodistance27: I have low blood sugar too though it kinda rarely happens but once I almost passed out while crossing the street! Your SO did awesome things cuddling you while you were sick and comforting you while you got nervous and sick.


                        When we were CD, I once woke up in the middle of the night and had to throw up, which woke him up as well and he just hugged me and held my hair. Such a sweetheart. I was fine after that, not sure why it happened, but he was very sweet about it.
                        He did slam his finger in the door once as well and that night, he couldn't sleep so I had to take him to the hospital. (I was afraid he has sprained it.) He was ok, but I was really scared. XD


                          I think it was exactly a week into his first visit here, and my grandpa passed away, so he came to the funeral with me and met ALL of my family, which includes roughly 20 cousins plus all the aunties and uncles etc. Was a bit overwhelming for him but very sweet of him to support me in that way. Otherwise, I think he's been sick once or twice here, once was quite bad and he needed meds from the doctor for a flu like thing. I've not had a cold over there, but I've had some stomach sickness, gastro type stuff which isn't nice.
                          Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
                          First met: June 13th 2006


                            Haven't met my SO yet but when I do I have to contend with his being quite sick. He might even have surgery when I'm there or have had surgery right before I go visit him. I might have to start my own thread.


                              Ive had three instances where i was under the weather.

                              First time i just felt generally rough and queasy and he spent the whole day watching films with me while i slept on and off on his lap, and he got me lunch and medication and fluids was just real sweet.

                              Second time i had severe sunburn, i could barely move and he spent hours putting after sun on my back every time my back dried off and let me rest up

                              Third time i pulled a muscle in my back, and he let me spend the day laid on his bed and he rubbed ibugel on my back and basically helped me with anything i struggled with.

                              He is an absolute sweety and im very lucky to have never got seriously ill *fingers crossed* it stays that way

