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Yay! Surprise! We're together!

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    Yay! Surprise! We're together!

    I have been thinking a lot about what to tell him when i see him ... and i didnt come up with anything good.
    Im so happy that no one spilled the beans about my visit, and he was REALLY surprised.

    i came to his town, and had to walk past his work on the way to his place (where i thought he'd be). I couldn't see him working because there was a truck out the front, so he obviously didnt see me. I went to his place, his mum was there, she was excited to see me. Started screaming and such. She didnt know what time he was knockin off so i just had to wait (didnt wanna see him at work, because wanted to have first couple of mins to ourselves and ourselves only!)... I went to see my host mother at her work, she was surprised too! ;D it just made me so happy to see all this people happy to see me and getting really emotional over it.

    So then his mum rang me saying he'll finish at 5... so i came around to his place at 4:30, but since she was there, i decided to walk up to his work and wait for him somewhere along the road, where he'd be walking.
    And i did. He saw me right from the other end of the street... and OH MY GOD you should have seen his smile! I haven't seen him smiling like that since... i probably never did! He gave me a hug, and a kiss ... a kind of kiss ive been longing for a while...

    i walked him home, he had to get ready for footy training.... so then we left, but we went for a walk at night we kind of knew we had to talk about things... but it seems all gone now again! ;/ i don't even see the point in talking about it, when we're happy. It's sooo hard.
    I told him about my scholarship in USA and that im not gonna be able to move here sooner than in 3 years... we both agreed we are tired of long distance and dont wanna do it anymore.... so thats the scary part. Im only here for 3 weeks... and we dont know whats gonna happen next... ;/

    so even though we'd love to enjoy the time we have together here. we still have to worry about the future.. and what to do with that relationship?

    I also.. wanted to take things slowly... and im not staying at his place, just with my hostfamily. theyre amazing

    anyways, just thought id tell everyone that im happy. we talk. and its gonna be great 3 weeks, im sure!
    just... he hasnt said he loved me... yet.
    but then again hes a guy. so he doesnt say that THAT often.


    That sounds awesome! I'm so happy for you, Aggie! Awesome that you managed to make it just the two of you the first time you met - you did that pretty cleverly! (God knows I missed that few moments of alone time when my mom and husband came to pick me up at the airport ...). It's also great that you have quite some people there who support you!
    I'd say focus on enjoying the first few days and then slowly work your way towards some serious discussion. I'm sure you'll work it out face-to-face! Good luck and enjoy your stay!


      So glad you two finally get some time together!!!


        Sounds like you really did suprise him, that is so awesome! I would just focus on spending time with him for a couple of days and then start to figure out the future. Good luck! and have lots of fun


          Have fun!


            Thank you girls. I am trying to have fun...
            but i am getting sick of mixed messages... he says he wants to be with me. But here i am, for him, for only 3 weeks, .... yet he still rather spend time with his football team boys... and it's just weird.
            I know he's confused, doesn't know what to do. I don't wanna put the pressure of the decision only on him... but i just wish we could talk... and there seems to be NO RIGHT TIME for it...
            ive been here since wednesday... and its saturday now... i got only to spent 2 nights with him...
            i really wish he could be open and honest about his feelings...

            anyway, ill keep you all updated! hopefully, we'll get somewhere with that...
            its funny, the further he goes away, the more i need him... ?


              Talking about your future doesn't necessarily have to be a depressing talk even though it's serious. If you cant be with him the whole time (eg. when he's working) use your alone time to make a list of things that need to be sorted out in order for you 2 to have a relationship and things you want from it and then ask him to make his - then compare them to see how much alike your thoughts really are and go from there. There's always sacrifices to be made in an LDR so you definitely have to have that talk with him.

              Iif there doesn't seem to be a right moment to talk then just tell him you NEED to talk before you leave and it isn't too much to ask to skip footy training for one night to spend the time with you - the footy guys will always be there but you're leaving soon.

              Enjoy your time with him!

