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Do more males or females believe in soulmates?

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    Do more males or females believe in soulmates?

    Not Sure-??
    Not Sure-??

    Yes... well i didn't till i met him.


      I dont, still. I believe in multiple soulmates, in which there are a group of people which are destined to be connected to you for life or make a significant impact on your life, whether they are lovers, friends, or teachers/students. As for lovers, I believe more than one person could be the ONE. But then again I don't have the highest of self confidence, so I might not be a good reference point!


        I don't believe in soul mates...but that wasn't an option on the poll... Is it 'not sure' as in not sure if male or female, cos that's what it looks like lol


          female obvously and yeah i do, i knew from the beginning she was


            I'd say both.


              I'd have to say it all depends on the person..


                Female I'd say. It does depend on the person, but generally women tend to be more sentimental about things like love and romance.


                  mmm...i believe in love, and the idea of being essentially perfect for eachother, but i don't know if i'd put the connotation of a force pushing your lives into alignment/being "meant to be" >> then i'll sit here and think about how if it weren't for a very specific series of events and the current day and age, id have never known my dearest existed. tricky thing fate is. i never can figure out where i sit with it


                    I used to not to believe in that stuff, being an independent girl, who would never believe in destiny. I kind of used to have the attitude of ''if not this one, there will be a next one'' as there always was... But ever since we started dating, or more importantly, ever since he made me feel extremely special (all the talking about him feeling this way for the first time in his life) it started hitting me. So as years go by... Meaning 4 years by now, with all the struggling, arguments and very blury vision of closing the distance, and we still are willing to fight for each other like lions (also, with the unclear future, we don't want to hold one another back from living our lives here and now, so we of course meet people ... and seriously, even though I made about 300 new friends over this time (I moved around the world a fair bit), and I had guys hitting on me, taking me out for dinners, trips and what not - I have not met ONE person that would make me happy/satisfy me/ was even close to make me feel that committed as he does. Also, more and more and more often I hear from my independent friends (very strong women mainly), how they never believed in ''THE ONE'' , but once they take a closer look at my on/off relationship, they start to believe in soulmates too.

                    Also, funny thing, my SO now doesn't consider us ''that special'' anymore... So I guess it's my turn now to convince him, just like he did at the start.


                      I'm female, and I believe in soulmates

                      First Met Online: October 2010
                      First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
                      Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
                      First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
                      Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
                      Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
                      Engaged!: June 1, 2013
                      Picking out wedding dates now!

