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Do you think planning helps?

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    Do you think planning helps?

    My SO and me are going to be meeting in person for the first time in September, and I am sooo excited! I can barely wait and since we have decided on it I haven't been able to stop dreaming of it.

    One thing I noticed seem to help me blow off this anxiety I have, is planning. I have written up a to-do list of things we HAVE to do when he gets here (its getting long, thank goodness we have 3 weeks) and also a inventory of things I want to buy before he does. I am NOT a list type of person, in fact organization is my enemy. So I find it funny that for this situation I am planning and planning and planning. I am even checking car rental prices, looking up coupons and stuff, yet we still have 2 months to go!

    I was wondering if anyone else does this or if I am developing a neurosis (to be fair it wouldn't be the first time)! I don't get why I do, but it seems to make me feel better!

    My SO and I do that as well. We love to have plans for when we're together again, so we talk about that stuff a lot and also write it down to not forget it. Like this time. We want to go to the zoo, we're planning a road trip to Auckland and we want to watch the last Harry Potter movie together. Those are just a few examples. We also make grocery lists!


      Well I've read, and it seems to make sense, that sometimes when situations are extremely new/adrenaline inducing in a person, a natural response would be a need to have control. Organization is a way to have control, whether its organizing possessions, or organizing your time. I know I personally tend to turn on itunes and start refolding tshirts in my closet when something bothers me but I don't quite know how to ask for advice on it yet.


        I'm not an organized person at all.
        However, for my trip in July, I have made lists of what to bring/wear/what I want to do.
        And my S.O. (who is also unorganized), has made an itinerary-ish thing. Just like on Friday, you want to "blahblahblah." it's a loose itinerary, but at least I'll get to do/see the things I want to.
        Last edited by Sunbeam; June 29, 2011, 12:24 AM. Reason: fixing a typo

        First Met Online: October 2010
        First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
        Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
        First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
        Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
        Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
        Engaged!: June 1, 2013
        Picking out wedding dates now!


          I think planning does help, but that the same time be sure to keep your plans flexible because you never know what will happen.


            I am definitely doing this. I've got a big list of things for us to do while he's here and I have another of things I need to clean before he gets here. I've also started planning stuff for once we're actually at school together again. I think we're going to take a road trip to Crater Lake during fall break. =] I love lists though- I make zillions of them. But I do think it's normal, even it you're not usually a list person, to want to plan things in advance for something like this since it helps you from going nuts with excitement.


              I always do this any time I'm going to see my SO. It definitely makes me feel better, and I like having an idea of what I would like to have happen. I am a super unorganized person most of the time, but knowing I'm going to see my SO makes me become a planner. I think it just happens when you're so excited about something.
              "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

              "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

              Met: August 22, 2010
              Made it official: September 17, 2010
              Got engaged: January 15, 2012
              Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
              Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
              Got married: November 21, 2012
              Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
              Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


                of kors, planning helps...we dont have exact date when are we gonna meet but ryt now i'd been thinking of beautiful places we have here..i even plan to get my vacation leave by the time he will be here becos the main reason for him to be here is to spend time with each other..but think some of alternative in case you cant do the one on ur list.
                "In love, two of the most important ingredients are being open and being content."

                "God must have seen my need for someone who could turn my failure to victory, whose touch could turn my tears to smiles, who by just being there could turn my sadness to laughter. That's why he sent you to me."


                  My SO and I planned for the three months we were apart our road trip. We had everything planned, things to see places to stay booked, routes everything. It gave us something to look forward to and keep our mind busy while we waited for him to come.


                    I can totally relate to this. I never make lists or plan anything either. It's not like me at all but I've made like 15 lists in the past month. I think it helps us feel more in control and make it seem like it's coming up sooner.


                      That's totally me the planner. I love to plan ahead it helps me from becoming so anxious.


                        My boyfriend and I do this for every visit. We plan what we're going to do in advance. Since he hasn't really explored this area before and I've lived here all my life I suggest a ton of things for us to do and then he picks what he wants to do and comes up with his own ideas as well. It really takes a lot of the stress out of the visit for me, especially in the days leading up to it, so I'm not panicking "OH NO WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!"

                        We also plan out our meals in advance, this helps when I go grocery shopping. We both love to cook so we go over a grocery list and what we want to eat for each meal together, well before he comes out to see me.

                        Not for him coming tomorrow, but when he comes back in August - I've been planning that visit for about 3 months now. Just finding a way to make it special and thinking about what we're going to do. I've also found that the more open I am about the things I want to do and show him while we're together and he's here, the more involved he gets independently which I really love.


                          congrats on soon meeting your SO. I think its great that you have things planned. When my SO comes up here for the 1st time there are places I want to take him.


                            I don't really do this because I meet my SO at an already structured event so we can either choose to go attend the many functions or stay in our hotel room and just enjoy being together, although I'm sure I would plan like crazy if I could purely for the fact that it reminds me my SO is soon to be in my arms again very soon. xD

                            Met: 8.17.09
                            Started Dating: 8.20.09
                            First Met: 10.2.10
                            Closed the Distance: 8.9.14

