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Lovcng from a distance

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    Lovcng from a distance

    i gotta tell having a long distance relationship from a distance is an awesome experiance but very very hard, can i ask how long some of you been in one? My fiance Denise lives in Scotland and I live in Connecticut. I love her so very much words are diffacult to use because i've never loved anyone this much in my life! It's hard to be away from her, but i know in the end we will be together finally. She's coming down here in October, and can I also ask if any of you have ever made love to the person that your in the relationship with, how do you get over the first time jitters?

    Ive been in an LDR with my bf for 7 months, but we were close distance for 13 months.

    Yes, Ive made love with my bf, and you just gotta be comfortable with the person before u can be intimate.


      I've been in one for a bit over 15 months now. When we met in person for the first time, there was no awkwardness .. it wasn't like meeting someone new. Since we had that, plus the spark you always hope is there IRL, it wasn't difficult to jump into the new physical side of our relationship. :P We didn't wait, and don't regret it lol.


        Im defiantly comfortable with her, its just our first time being with another female! I have a feeling we'll be ok but i know if i think about it now i do get excited but its also that nervous feeling!


          We've been together 2.5 years, but have known each other much longer.

          Just take your time with becoming intimate with one another... don't feel the need to rush anything, but also don't feel bad if you do! Have fun and enjoy all the excitement of learning and enjoying someone new!


            I've in in an LDR for about a year and three months. We met in person for the first time a couple weeks ago.

            As far as the first time jitters go, I would say just go with the flow. If it feels right to be intimate, then go for it. If it doesn't, the don't force anything. Just let it happen naturally.


              We knew each other long distance for 5 years before we met in person, but were only officially dating long distance for about 8 months, those months between my first visit to his country and his first visit to mine.
              Getting intimate wasn't a problem for us, we'd been mucking around on cam for a while, and discussed in depth our likes and dislikes so we knew what big mistakes to avoid. After that everything was just so natural, he was everything I had waited for... *shrug* it didn't take us long at all to catch our bodies up to the places our minds had already been
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                I've been LD with Andy for 2 years and 4 months.

                It doesn't necessarily matter which sex the person you're making love to is, if you love them then it won't be a problem. Just talk about what you like and don't like before you decide to do anything so you'll both know what to do. If at any point you or she don't feel comfortable with things then back off a little and don't try to do something you really don't wanna do just to please the other person. Talk talk and talk and let the sparks between you take care of the rest!


                  well i do know what she likes and what she doesnt ehem.......msn messenger on mics work wonders heh......and i do know where the line is and not to cross it, she knows the same thing about me as well.


                    First time is always exciting and you're suppose to feel nervous, it's only human. But it sounds like you have nothing to worry about so just enjoy the experience


                      We've been long distance a little over a year and were together a bit over a year before that as well and he lived very very close to me so we have indeed made love.


                        I have known my boyfriend for a year a half, we have been "offical" for 4 months. Its been long distance the whole time. I have never met him in person


                          Well we met and began dating before it was LD sort of. So I didn't deal much with the jitters. It just felt really right anyway. It was just us connecting on another level, it was definitely a really incredible moment! I think you'll ultimately feel the same, it'll just feel right!

