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Break up even if we love each other

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    Break up even if we love each other

    I'm in LDR now for 6 months and i'm so happy with our current relationship.. But it seems that it is impossible for us to be with each other for some reasons although we truly love each other. Now i'm planning to break up with her while we still love each other, but it's hard. I don't want to let her go but i need to do this for good.. :'(

    If you're happy why is it impossible to be with her?


      Is there no way to be together ever? If you are happy together it seems a shame to end it. Only you know what is best to do though in this situation.


        Originally posted by NaNi View Post
        If you're happy why is it impossible to be with her?
        This is one of many reasons why.
        Were 7000 miles away from each other. I know for a fact that she doesn't want to live here in our country and i can't leave here because of some serious reasons.. I'd like to go to her if possible but it seems impossible


          Perhaps it only seems impossible, but really isn't? Yes, it might be hard, strenuous, and take some time and doing, but couldn't you possibly go to her?


            Why give up on something good just because it seems impossible? If it's going to end, it's going to end, and it will hurt no matter when it ends. If you both still love each other, there's no reason to end it.

            I sense you might want to do this for her sake, and in a way, I understand. Maybe a lot here do. I love my SO very much, and the only hang-up I have with our relationship is it's going to be a long time before we can close the distance, and it breaks my heart a little to think of him being physically alone for so long. I hate to think he would miss out on a relationship with a woman who could actually be with him because he's involved with me. But he loves me, and I've come to realize it's his choice to stay with me, and it isn't right for me to take that choice away.

            If your SO wants this, don't end it on her account, even if you love her and think it's for the best. She has a right to chose what she wants.

            Take care.


              Why you give up when you know that your SO is still fighting for your relationship? I know it's not easy being in an LDR but f you know it's worth the pain you will fight for it. It's love so don't let it go. Prove that you really love her and be strong for her. All your hardships will have a prize at the end...Choose the right
              "Love wins everything especially fear."


                Originally posted by Kiba View Post
                This is one of many reasons why.
                Were 7000 miles away from each other. I know for a fact that she doesn't want to live here in our country and i can't leave here because of some serious reasons.. I'd like to go to her if possible but it seems impossible
                Why not meet somewhere in the middle? You could pick a different country for the both of you.


                  How old are you two? If you're young I can understand why things seem so impossible, but if you're truly in love with her, why not stay with her and see if the future changes? Yes, it sucks not getting to close the distance with the one you love asap, but sometimes that's just the way it is and if a relationship is really worth it then being willing to wait longer than you had hoped before being together is just a path you'll have to take. Sometimes people have to wait years before they can close the distance-it's not fun and it has a lot of obstacles, but it's absolutely possible to get through because you're fighting to be with someone you care for. You've only been LD 6 months ( I don't know if you were CD beforehand), but give it time. I understand things look bleak now but your LD relationship is still young and since you care about her so much why throw it all away so easily?


                    I think before you make this deisicion "for her", you need to talk to her. Don't assume you are doing what is best for her. Only SHE knows what is best for her. Tell her how you have been feeling and maybe you two can work something out.
                    "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                      This has come to mind before for me in the past, when we were about a year in our relationship and it didn't seem like it would be easy to meet and he and i were both struggling with the distance the question came up would we be happier with out eachother? The answer was no even if it meant not closing the distance for years and years. And at times i wonder if this is right for him, because he has to save up so much to see me and for me to see him ill need to save up sooo much, so all this is hard so to close the distance what will this take? And then my personal issues, i am so quiet and i dont have a bubbly personality to engage him like some others he knows and so i wonder if im enough but in the end we are making it, i think if the love is real and strong you can go through any obsticle, it may take time and work but i wouldnt let go of something huge like love. I would say fight for it if its true love.
                      I love you Nathan <3
                      5/25/09 <3

