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It's sadly over....

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    It's sadly over....

    Within the span of a week it went from bliss to heartache...from I love you very much, to almost zero communication - what he sends is so impersonal. I knew he was under a lot of pressure in his life right now...but he totally misinterpreted a response from me to mean that I didn't believe him, and now he won't even discuss it....I am really so heartbroken over this, as he's the first person that I've let into my life in 10 years...and I so fell in love with him...I cry when my inbox is empty...and really don't know how to deal with this...or if I should even email him any longer...I'm just so hurt....

    I'm so sorry that you are going through this.


      I'm sorry you are hurting. ((hugs))

      Be good to yourself.
      Met Online : July 2013
      Met in person : April - May 2014 (3 wks)
      2nd visit : June - August 2014 (2 months)
      3rd visit : December - Jan (2wks)
      Proposal : December 2014
      Closed distance : February 2015
      Married : April 5, 2015


        So sorry you have to feel this pain.
        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


          I am sorry to hear that.. I do hope that you will get better soon *hugs*


            It sounds like he's just under a lot of stress and misinterpreted what you said perhaps because he's feeling a bit touchy. I know when I'm stressed out the littlest thing anyone says or does can set me off. I'd email him once more telling him you are sorry for anything that you said that might have upset him, you surely didn't mean it that way, and then I'd just give some space and time. i think when he has some time to calm down and think things will be okay. *hugs*


              I'm so sorry you're going through this *hugs*

              First Met Online: October 2010
              First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
              Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
              First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
              Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
              Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
              Engaged!: June 1, 2013
              Picking out wedding dates now!


                Sad that he's closing in a shell instead of talking about it. Lack of communication is responsible of many rough patches in relationships. But as Mara advised you, leave him one last e-mail explaining your point of view and then just wait for him to put order in his thoughts. Hope you won't pass through this for a long time :/


                  I did send another email...he finally sent one back, listing everything that he's going through, which I already knew, and that he's shutting everyone out right now. So...I called him. I wanted to make sure that he believed me when I said that I understood the pressure he was under, and he did. I also told him that he needed to get help coping, that it wasn't something I could do from 10,000 miles away....that the email address he'd been using for me would always be his, but checking it everyday was no longer an option for me, as it just hurt too much to see it empty. I also let him know that I loved him, missed him, and would be there if he needed me....I just can't continue on as I have been for the past just hurts too much....


                    Awhile ago, when I found myself in a different long distance relationship, my fiance (at the time) really shut down on me. We went from talking on the phone all day every day a and sending each other letters every day to no letters on his end and once daily, 15 minute phone calls. Something was different in his voice and the tone of our relationship changed. I know he was depressed and he had plenty of reason to be, and I endured it, trying to support him for four months and two weeks. We got to the point where he didn't even acknowledge our two year anniversary and it broke my heart.

                    I kept telling him, this is more than I can do on my own, I know you are in a dark place right now and I want to help you, but I can't keep doing this, and I had to break up with him two weeks after our anniversary. I felt so badly every time I went down to the mailbox and didn't see a letter there, I would cry. I would cry at the end of our fifteen minute phone call because while I understood he was going through so much at that time, I was too and I really needed him.

                    Truth be told, we probably could have recovered from it a few months later (we still talked after we broke up) but during that time I had gone through so much and grown so much, I didn't want to go back. I realized he wasn't the man I thought he was and decided to completely move on.

                    I'm not saying that's what is going to happen to you, or that's what you should do, just that I can relate to what your'e going through. We all have a certain level of communication that we need from a relationship and can only take so much of not getting it from our partner. I wish you all the best, I hope it works out for you, but no matter what I hope you stay strong and keep your head held high.

