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Am I right to to be furious?

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    Am I right to to be furious?

    Today, it was the plan that my bf would leave his place at about 8am (his idea not mine) becuase it's just over a two hour drive (not including a quick break if wanted) and we only get today and tomorrow together for the next two (maybe more) months. So yesterday, I went through all my little rituals which I usually do the morning before he gets here, but i knew I wouldn't have time to do them this morning - I'm NOT a morning person.

    I woke up at 8 to a text from him, not saying "just leaving, see you in a bit" or something, but instead saying that his alarm didnt go off, so he'd only just woken up. That's fine! Clearly not his fault, and I don't really mind that much. So I realised he would probably be half an hour late - when we spoke last night, he was so happy that he was coming here so I assumed that he would do what I would in that situation, and rush so that he wasn't too late!

    So it's now ten to ten, and I just got another text. I assumed it would be one saying that he'd just stopped and would be just under an hour or something. Instead, it's saying that he's just leaving.

    He was supposed to be here about now, and that has completely screwed up all our plans for the day, not to mention that we only get today to ourselves anyway, becuase tomorrow is filled up with stuff for Easter. I skipped Church for him this morning. I'm so angry right now, because I know him - he will have watched some TV, mucked around on facebook, had a long breakfast and generally just been slow.

    If it was me, I would have been out the door in less than half an hour. I don't unerstand why he's taken so long, and there's actually a part of me (and yes I know it's bad) that wants to tell him not to bother and is wondering how he could do this.

    We had plans! And I know it's him doing the driving, but it's me who hasn't eaten becuase we were going to have breakfast together and who hasn't gone to Church becuase he was going to be here so early. It isn't fair and I'm furious with him. But I don't really know if I have the right to be. I mean, I don't know exactly why it took so long, but I do know him.... So I think it's a pretty good guess that he has just been slow.

    I would give him a chance to explain first before you get really angry, i understand you had plans but maybe just maybe something urgent came up


      Well, on the plus side, he kept you semi updated. That is better than him just not showing up until hours past his expected time passed. It sounds like you know this is part of his personality, and things like that aren't easy to change. In the future maybe you can have a voice in his travel plans, for when he is more apt to be on the ball. I'm sorry you missed all of your morning activities, but pick your battles carefully (esp in LDRs) imo. You can let this ruin your time together, or you can yell for a minute and let it go. Just my 2c.


        You have a right to feel however you want. However, before you jump his case or whatever, think about it. Not everyone is the same, and its possble that he did get ready and out the door as fast as he could. Let him explain as Caitlin said. And realize that having plans ruined is not always so bad. Life happens, try to just roll with it and enjoy the time you have together. Do you really want to spend this time you have with him angry? Is it really worth all that? You won't see him again for a couple months at might do you more good to just express your disappointment at him being so late and then let it go.

        Hope you two have a great couple of days together.


          I agree. My SO is the same way. There have been multiple cases where he'd tell me he was planning on coming a certain day, and then he'd end up coming sooo late (like in the middle of the night) or even the next day. I never felt angry about it because I was so happy to see him, but I did feel dissapointed. Eventually, I just learned to be flexible in my plans so that I wouldn't be upset about it. And he never makes promises now about when exactly he'll see me.

          Try to be grateful for what time you have together and enjoy your weekend!


            My SO has always been like this, so I know exactly how you feel. Super dooper slow, takes his time, doesn't mind being distracted by ANYTHING. Since we became long-distance though I have been the one making the commute and I tend to leave HOURS before I planned to because I want to see him so bad. How ever looking back on how mad I used to get waiting for him, always being late, it was so wasted. You have to just learn to appreciate the time you DO have. My SO never meant to upset me by doing this and I'm sure yours hasn't either Enjoy your time with him once he arrives!


              Well I know how you feel. I jump at the chance to spend any time of time with my guy. For the MOST part so does he. But sometimes.....I'm not so much it seems. lol I think for the most part they just have a REALLY HORRIBLE concept of time. I've found that with my SO. He'll say I'm leaving at such and such a time and be there in X amount of minutes. Well he almost NEVER leaves at such and such a time....not because he didn''t want or didn't try. Just because he didn't do so great a job at estimating the amount of time his plans before would take. I'd be mad too! But I think it's just guys and generally not being great at estimating time. lol


                Thanks everyone. It was what I thought, and he was just being slow, so I yelled at him for two minutes (I never stay angry for much longer than that anyway....) he said he was sorry and jut didnt realise I would see it as having two hours taken away, becuase for him, it's a case of 'well at leat we get this time'. (He's a glass half full type and I'm a half empty type lol) Then we had a lovely afternoon together and a fairly nice evening in with my family. We've now got... 8 hours till he leaves, maybe less, so i'm going to go before he gets out the shower so I'm not wasting time heh.


                  Yeah never can stay angry with the one you love for too long lol, but awww cuddle up with him while you can for a bit


                    Lol I never stay angry for long full stop. I've got a very short fuse but a very short angry time too heh. He stayed another night to make up for it true it actually only gave us an extra three hours as I was at church lol, but still

                    Now to wait for two months or so.... That's the longest we've ever been apart so I wonder who wil crack first, cancel all their plans and get on a train for a day trip hehe. Probably me.....


                      Lol I never stay angry for long full stop. I've got a very short fuse but a very short angry time too heh. He stayed another night to make up for it true it actually only gave us an extra three hours as I was at church lol, but still

                      Now to wait for two months or so.... That's the longest we've ever been apart so I wonder who wil crack first, cancel all their plans and get on a train for a day trip hehe. Probably me.....

